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Last active November 22, 2022 15:56
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Verify PayPal Webhook Signature using the REST APIs and the PayPal-Python-SDK
This snippet could be used to verify PayPal webhooks
PayPal docs isn't very clear about API verification mechanism. And am afraid neither
is the SDK.
BASIC CONCEPT: Your webhook_event in the body of verification request be in the same
order you have received from PayPal or else your verification fails.
EXTRA TIP IF USING DRF: Don't use request.DATA as it mutates the order of the request
and you can't retrieve it anymore using request.body (which is also
The above link gave me idea about the SDK method, which I implemented as the fallback
method. Particularly because it's archived in favour of new SDK, that doesn't yet have
webhook support(another reason why I write this gist :-D ). This also helped me knowing
the basic concept I mentioned above.
import json
import logging
import os
# paypalrestsdk==1.13.1
import paypalrestsdk as paypal
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import wraps
from paypalrestsdk import WebhookEvent
# I have used Django and DRF here
# Django==1.6.10
# djangorestframework==2.4.3
from django.conf import settings
from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError
# Note: I've more setup in settings that make it work. It might not work directly.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
paypal_api = paypal.configure({
'client_id': os.getenv("PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID"),
'client_secret': os.getenv("PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET"),
class PayPalAPIError(Exception):
"""Error when PayPal API fails"""
class BadRequest(ParseError):
"""Return HTTP 400 response when raised"""
class PaypalSignatureVerificationError(BadRequest):
"""Handles paypal signature verification errors."""
def handle_api_error(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
response = func(*args, **kwargs)
error = response.get("error", None)
if error:
raise PayPalAPIError(error)
return response
return wrapper
def verify_webhook_signature(data):
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def verify_webhook_signature_using_sdk(*args):
return WebhookEvent.verify(*args)
def verify_event(request):
auth_algo = request.META.get("HTTP_PAYPAL_AUTH_ALGO")
cert_url = request.META.get("HTTP_PAYPAL_CERT_URL")
transmission_id = request.META.get("HTTP_PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_ID")
transmission_sig = request.META.get("HTTP_PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_SIG")
transmission_time = request.META.get("HTTP_PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_TIME")
webhook_id = settings.PAYPAL_WEBHOOK_ID
# The link I gave credit above discusses about decoding it. I didn't use it.
# But am not sure when you need it. Please educate me if you come across a usage
# that needs it.
ordered_payload = json.loads(request.body, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
data = dict(
auth_algo=auth_algo, cert_url=cert_url, transmission_id=transmission_id,
transmission_sig=transmission_sig, transmission_time=transmission_time,
webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_event=ordered_payload
signature_verification = verify_webhook_signature(data)
if signature_verification.get("verification_status") == "SUCCESS":
return True
except Exception as err:
logger.warning("Error verifying event using API: %s", err)
# Fallback using SDK. Kept for those who are still using it.
signature_verification = verify_webhook_signature_using_sdk(
transmission_id, transmission_time, webhook_id, request.body, cert_url,
transmission_sig, auth_algo)
if signature_verification:
return signature_verification
except Exception as alter_err:
logger.warning("Error verifying event using SDK: %s", alter_err)
raise PaypalSignatureVerificationError("Paypal Webhook Signature Verification failed")
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Not work.

Error verifying event using API: 'Response' object has no attribute 'get'
Error verifying event using SDK: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'encode'

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