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Last active June 26, 2023 22:09
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A LIX score represents the readability of a text. This python class calculates that score.
import re
class Lixer:
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Your one stop shop in changable variables! Come on in, come on down. We got regex and some other shit.
self.punctuation_regex = r"[.:!?]"
self.clean_regex = r"[\.\,\:\!\?\-\\\/\(\)\[\]\;\*\'\"\#\$\@\+0-9\_\n\t]"
self.capitalised_word_regex = r"([A-ZÆØÅ][a-zæøå]+)"
self.complex_threshold = 6
def _count_capitalised_words(self, text: str) -> int:
# The solution to "How many words starts with a capital letter in this paticular string" problem.
capitalised_words = re.findall(self.capitalised_word_regex, text)
return len(capitalised_words)
def _count_complex_words(self, text: str) -> int:
# You would think that counting words longer than a certain threshold would be easy..
# You would think that punctuation and special characters didn't matter..
# You would be living in ignorance and be a happier person..
# LOOK at how long the self.clean_regex is! I'm crying right now.
text = re.sub(self.clean_regex, "", text)
complex_words = [word for word in text.split() if len(word) > self.complex_threshold]
return len(complex_words)
def _count_periods(self, text: str) -> int:
# Counting actual periods was ez mode though. Not counting the triple dots or multi exclamation was not.
text = "".join([text[i] for i in range(len(text)-1) if text[i+1]!= text[i]]+[text[-1]])
periods = re.findall(self.punctuation_regex, text)
return len(periods)
def calc_lix(self, text: str) -> float:
# Magic! Stripping whitespace and doin' the deed.
# A result of 20 is considered light reading, while 60 would be Homers Illiad
text = text.strip()
num_words = len(text.split())
num_capitalised_words = self._count_capitalised_words(text)
num_periods = self._count_periods(text)
num_complex_words = self._count_complex_words(text)
#print(f"The calculation looked like this:\n{num_words} / ({num_periods} + {num_capitalised_words}) + {num_complex_words} * 100 / {num_words}")
lix_score = num_words/(num_periods+num_capitalised_words) + num_complex_words * 100 / num_words
return f"{lix_score:.2f}"
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