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Last active April 24, 2023 13:58
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  • Save hotchpotch/8cb74d7a2ed1730faf1ec1ba089f93cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hotchpotch/8cb74d7a2ed1730faf1ec1ba089f93cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
## Specifications
- Determine if the <Text> contains even a fraction of the following categories
- AI
- Machine Learning
- Data Science
- Data Analysis
- Statistics
- Deep Learning
- kaggle
- ChatGPT
- MLOps
- Generative AI
- Others
- Consider which category is more likely, as a classification problem, and output using the softmax function. The sum of the resulting floats should be 1.0.
- Output must be in the following strict JSON format.
"AI": float,
"Machine Learning": float,
"Data Science": float,
"Data Analysis": float,
"Statistics": float,
"Deep Learning": float,
"kaggle": float,
"ChatGPT": float,
"MLOps": float,
"Generative AI": float,
"LLM": float,
"Others": float,
## Text Content
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