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Created May 20, 2020 14:49
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {
} = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react");
const dom = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories");
const PropTypes = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-prop-types");
const {
} = require("devtools/client/shared/redux/visibility-handler-connect");
const {
} = require("devtools/client/shared/theme");
const Actions = require("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/actions/index");
const {
} = require("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/constants");
const {
} = require("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/selectors/index");
const {
} = require("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/utils/format-utils");
const { L10N } = require("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/utils/l10n");
const RequestListHeaderContextMenu = require("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/widgets/RequestListHeaderContextMenu");
const WaterfallBackground = require("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/widgets/WaterfallBackground");
const Draggable = createFactory(
const { div, button } = dom;
* Render the request list header with sorting arrows for columns.
* Displays tick marks in the waterfall column header.
* Also draws the waterfall background canvas and updates it when needed.
class RequestListHeader extends Component {
static get propTypes() {
return {
columns: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
resetColumns: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
resetSorting: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
resizeWaterfall: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
scale: PropTypes.number,
sort: PropTypes.object,
sortBy: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
toggleColumn: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
waterfallWidth: PropTypes.number,
columnsData: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
setColumnsWidth: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
constructor(props) {
this.requestListHeader = createRef();
this.onContextMenu = this.onContextMenu.bind(this);
this.drawBackground = this.drawBackground.bind(this);
this.resizeWaterfall = this.resizeWaterfall.bind(this);
this.waterfallDivisionLabels = this.waterfallDivisionLabels.bind(this);
this.waterfallLabel = this.waterfallLabel.bind(this);
this.onHeaderClick = this.onHeaderClick.bind(this);
this.resizeColumnToFitContent = this.resizeColumnToFitContent.bind(this);
componentWillMount() {
const { resetColumns, resetSorting, toggleColumn } = this.props;
this.contextMenu = new RequestListHeaderContextMenu({
resizeColumnToFitContent: this.resizeColumnToFitContent,
componentDidMount() {
// Create the object that takes care of drawing the waterfall canvas background
this.background = new WaterfallBackground(document);
// When visible columns add up to less or more than 100% => update widths in prefs.
if (this.shouldUpdateWidths()) {
window.addEventListener("resize", this.resizeWaterfall);
componentDidUpdate() {
// check if the widths in prefs need to be updated
// e.g. after hide/show column
if (this.shouldUpdateWidths()) {
componentWillUnmount() {
this.background = null;
window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resizeWaterfall);
* Helper method to get the total width of cell's content.
* Used for resizing columns to fit their content.
totalCellWidth(cellEl) {
return [...cellEl.childNodes]
.map(cNode => {
if (cNode.nodeType === 3) {
// if it's text node
return Math.ceil(
cNode.getBoxQuads()[0].p2.x - cNode.getBoxQuads()[0].p1.x
return cNode.getBoundingClientRect().width;
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
* Resize column to fit its content.
* Additionally, resize other columns (starting from last) to compensate.
resizeColumnToFitContent(name) {
const headerRef = this.refs[`${name}Header`];
const parentEl = headerRef.closest(".requests-list-table");
const width = headerRef.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const parentWidth = parentEl.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const items = parentEl.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item");
const columnIndex = headerRef.cellIndex;
const widths = [...items].map(item =>
const minW = this.getMinWidth(name);
// Add 11 to account for cell padding (padding-right + padding-left = 9px), not accurate.
let maxWidth = 11 + Math.max.apply(null, widths);
if (maxWidth < minW) {
maxWidth = minW;
// Pixel value which, if added to this column's width, will fit its content.
let change = maxWidth - width;
// Max change we can do while taking other columns into account.
let maxAllowedChange = 0;
const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns();
const newWidths = [];
// Calculate new widths for other columns to compensate.
// Start from the 2nd last column if last column is waterfall.
// This is done to comply with the existing resizing behavior.
const delta =
visibleColumns[visibleColumns.length - 1].name === "waterfall" ? 2 : 1;
for (let i = visibleColumns.length - delta; i > 0; i--) {
if (i !== columnIndex) {
const columnName = visibleColumns[i].name;
const columnHeaderRef = this.refs[`${columnName}Header`];
const columnWidth = columnHeaderRef.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const minWidth = this.getMinWidth(columnName);
const newWidth = columnWidth - change;
// If this column can compensate for all the remaining change.
if (newWidth >= minWidth) {
maxAllowedChange += change;
change = 0;
name: columnName,
width: this.px2percent(newWidth, parentWidth),
} else {
// Max change we can do in this column.
let maxColumnChange = columnWidth - minWidth;
maxColumnChange = maxColumnChange > change ? change : maxColumnChange;
maxAllowedChange += maxColumnChange;
change -= maxColumnChange;
name: columnName,
width: this.px2percent(columnWidth - maxColumnChange, parentWidth),
width: this.px2percent(width + maxAllowedChange, parentWidth),
onContextMenu(evt) {
evt.preventDefault();, this.props.columns);
onHeaderClick(evt, headerName) {
const { sortBy, resetSorting } = this.props;
if (evt.button == 1) {
// reset sort state on middle click
} else {
drawBackground() {
// The background component is theme dependent, so add the current theme to the props.
const props = Object.assign({}, this.props, {
theme: getTheme(),
resizeWaterfall() {
const { waterfallHeader } = this.refs;
if (waterfallHeader) {
// Measure its width and update the 'waterfallWidth' property in the store.
// The 'waterfallWidth' will be further updated on every window resize.
this._resizeTimerId = window.requestIdleCallback(() =>
* Build the waterfall header - timing tick marks with the right spacing
waterfallDivisionLabels(waterfallWidth, scale) {
const labels = [];
// Build new millisecond tick labels...
let scaledStep = scale * timingStep;
// Ignore any divisions that would end up being too close to each other.
scaledStep *= 2;
// Insert one label for each division on the current scale.
for (let x = 0; x < waterfallWidth; x += scaledStep) {
const millisecondTime = x / scale;
let divisionScale = "millisecond";
// If the division is greater than 1 minute.
if (millisecondTime > 60000) {
divisionScale = "minute";
} else if (millisecondTime > 1000) {
// If the division is greater than 1 second.
divisionScale = "second";
let width = ((x + scaledStep) | 0) - (x | 0);
// Adjust the first marker for the borders
if (x == 0) {
width -= 2;
// Last marker doesn't need a width specified at all
if (x + scaledStep >= waterfallWidth) {
width = undefined;
key: labels.length,
className: "requests-list-timings-division",
"data-division-scale": divisionScale,
style: { width },
return labels;
waterfallLabel(waterfallWidth, scale, label) {
let className = "button-text requests-list-waterfall-label-wrapper";
if (waterfallWidth !== null && scale !== null) {
label = this.waterfallDivisionLabels(waterfallWidth, scale);
className += " requests-list-waterfall-visible";
return div({ className }, label);
// Dragging Events
* Set 'resizing' cursor on entire container dragging.
* This avoids cursor-flickering when the mouse leaves
* the column-resizer area (happens frequently).
onStartMove() {
// Set cursor to dragging
const container = document.querySelector(".request-list-container"); = "ew-resize";
// Class .dragging is used to disable pointer events while dragging - see css.
* A handler that calculates the new width of the columns
* based on mouse position and adjusts the width.
onMove(name, x) {
const parentEl = document.querySelector(".requests-list-headers");
const parentWidth = parentEl.getBoundingClientRect().width;
// Get the current column handle and save its old width
// before changing so we can compute the adjustment in width
const headerRef = this.refs[`${name}Header`];
const headerRefRect = headerRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const oldWidth = headerRefRect.width;
// Get the column handle that will compensate the width change.
const compensateHeaderName = this.getCompensateHeader();
if (name === compensateHeaderName) {
// this is the case where we are resizing waterfall
this.moveWaterfall(x, parentWidth);
const compensateHeaderRef = this.refs[`${compensateHeaderName}Header`];
const compensateHeaderRefRect = compensateHeaderRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const oldCompensateWidth = compensateHeaderRefRect.width;
const sumOfBothColumns = oldWidth + oldCompensateWidth;
// Get minimal widths for both changed columns (in px).
const minWidth = this.getMinWidth(name);
const minCompensateWidth = this.getMinWidth(compensateHeaderName);
// Calculate new width (according to the mouse x-position) and set to style.
// Do not allow to set it below minWidth.
let newWidth =
document.dir == "ltr" ? x - headerRefRect.left : headerRefRect.right - x;
newWidth = Math.max(newWidth, minWidth); = `${this.px2percent(newWidth, parentWidth)}%`;
const adjustment = oldWidth - newWidth;
// Calculate new compensate width as the original width + adjustment.
// Do not allow to set it below minCompensateWidth.
const newCompensateWidth = Math.max(
adjustment + oldCompensateWidth,
); = `${this.px2percent(
// Do not allow to reset size of column when compensate column is at minWidth.
if (newCompensateWidth === minCompensateWidth) { = `${this.px2percent(
sumOfBothColumns - newCompensateWidth,
* After resizing - we get the width for each 'column'
* and convert it into % and store it in user prefs.
* Also resets the 'resizing' cursor back to initial.
onStopMove() {
// If waterfall is visible and width has changed, call resizeWaterfall.
const waterfallRef = this.refs.waterfallHeader;
if (waterfallRef) {
const { waterfallWidth } = this.props;
const realWaterfallWidth = waterfallRef.getBoundingClientRect().width;
if (Math.round(waterfallWidth) !== Math.round(realWaterfallWidth)) {
// Restore cursor back to default.
const container = document.querySelector(".request-list-container"); = "initial";
* Helper method to get the name of the column that will compensate
* the width change. It should be the last column before waterfall,
* (if waterfall visible) otherwise it is simply the last visible column.
getCompensateHeader() {
const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns();
const lastColumn = visibleColumns[visibleColumns.length - 1].name;
const delta = lastColumn === "waterfall" ? 2 : 1;
return visibleColumns[visibleColumns.length - delta].name;
* Called from onMove() when resizing waterfall column
* because waterfall is a special case, where ALL other
* columns are made smaller when waterfall is bigger and vice versa.
moveWaterfall(x, parentWidth) {
const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns();
const minWaterfall = this.getMinWidth("waterfall");
const waterfallRef = this.refs.waterfallHeader;
// Compute and set style.width for waterfall.
const waterfallRefRect = waterfallRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const oldWidth = waterfallRefRect.width;
const adjustment =
document.dir == "ltr"
? waterfallRefRect.left - x
: x - waterfallRefRect.right;
if (this.allColumnsAtMinWidth() && adjustment > 0) {
// When we want to make waterfall wider but all
// other columns are already at minWidth => return.
const newWidth = Math.max(oldWidth + adjustment, minWaterfall);
// Now distribute evenly the change in width to all other columns except waterfall.
const changeInWidth = oldWidth - newWidth;
const widths = this.autoSizeWidths(changeInWidth, visibleColumns);
// Set the new computed width for waterfall into array widths.
widths[widths.length - 1] = newWidth;
// Update style for all columns from array widths.
let i = 0;
visibleColumns.forEach(col => {
const { name } = col;
const headerRef = this.refs[`${name}Header`]; = `${this.px2percent(widths[i], parentWidth)}%`;
* Helper method that checks if all columns have reached their minWidth.
* This can happen when making waterfall column wider.
allColumnsAtMinWidth() {
const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns();
// Do not check width for waterfall because
// when all are getting smaller, waterfall is getting bigger.
for (let i = 0; i < visibleColumns.length - 1; i++) {
const { name } = visibleColumns[i];
const headerRef = this.refs[`${name}Header`];
const minColWidth = this.getMinWidth(name);
if (headerRef.getBoundingClientRect().width > minColWidth) {
return false;
return true;
* Method takes the total change in width for waterfall column
* and distributes it among all other columns. Returns an array
* where all visible columns have newly computed width in pixels.
autoSizeWidths(changeInWidth, visibleColumns) {
const widths = => {
const headerRef = this.refs[`${}Header`];
const colWidth = headerRef.getBoundingClientRect().width;
return colWidth;
// Divide changeInWidth among all columns but waterfall (that's why -1).
const changeInWidthPerColumn = changeInWidth / (widths.length - 1);
while (changeInWidth) {
const lastChangeInWidth = changeInWidth;
// In the loop adjust all columns except last one - waterfall
for (let i = 0; i < widths.length - 1; i++) {
const { name } = visibleColumns[i];
const minColWidth = this.getMinWidth(name);
const newColWidth = Math.max(
widths[i] + changeInWidthPerColumn,
widths[i] = newColWidth;
if (changeInWidth > 0) {
changeInWidth -= newColWidth - widths[i];
} else {
changeInWidth += newColWidth - widths[i];
if (!changeInWidth) {
if (lastChangeInWidth == changeInWidth) {
return widths;
* Method returns 'true' - if the column widths need to be updated
* when the total % is less or more than 100%.
* It returns 'false' if they add up to 100% => no need to update.
shouldUpdateWidths() {
const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns();
let totalPercent = 0;
visibleColumns.forEach(col => {
const { name } = col;
const headerRef = this.refs[`${name}Header`];
// Get column width from style.
let widthFromStyle = 0;
// In case the column is in visibleColumns but has display:none
// we don't want to count its style.width into totalPercent.
if (headerRef.getBoundingClientRect().width > 0) {
widthFromStyle =, -1);
totalPercent += +widthFromStyle; // + converts it to a number
// Do not update if total percent is from 99-101% or when it is 0
// - it means that no columns are displayed (e.g. other panel is currently selected).
return Math.round(totalPercent) !== 100 && totalPercent !== 0;
* Method reads real width of each column header
* and updates the style.width for that header.
* It returns updated columnsData.
updateColumnsWidth() {
const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns();
const parentEl = document.querySelector(".requests-list-headers");
const parentElRect = parentEl.getBoundingClientRect();
const parentWidth = parentElRect.width;
const newWidths = [];
visibleColumns.forEach(col => {
const { name } = col;
const headerRef = this.refs[`${name}Header`];
const headerWidth = headerRef.getBoundingClientRect().width;
// Get actual column width, change into %, update style
const width = this.px2percent(headerWidth, parentWidth);
if (width > 0) {
// This prevents saving width 0 for waterfall when it is not showing for
// @media (max-width: 700px)
newWidths.push({ name, width });
* Helper method to convert pixels into percent based on parent container width
px2percent(pxWidth, parentWidth) {
const percent = Math.round(((100 * pxWidth) / parentWidth) * 100) / 100;
return percent;
* Helper method to get visibleColumns;
getVisibleColumns() {
const { columns } = this.props;
return HEADERS.filter(header => columns[]);
* Helper method to get minWidth from columnsData;
getMinWidth(colName) {
const { columnsData } = this.props;
if (columnsData.has(colName)) {
return columnsData.get(colName).minWidth;
* Render one column header from the table headers.
renderColumn(header) {
const { columnsData } = this.props;
const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns();
const lastVisibleColumn = visibleColumns[visibleColumns.length - 1].name;
const { name } = header;
const boxName = header.boxName || name;
const label = header.noLocalization
? name
: L10N.getStr(`netmonitor.toolbar.${header.label || name}`);
const { scale, sort, waterfallWidth } = this.props;
let sorted, sortedTitle;
const active = sort.type == name ? true : undefined;
if (active) {
sorted = sort.ascending ? "ascending" : "descending";
sortedTitle = L10N.getStr(
sort.ascending ? "networkMenu.sortedAsc" : "networkMenu.sortedDesc"
// If the pref for this column width exists, set the style
// otherwise use default.
if (columnsData.has(name)) {
const oneColumnEl = columnsData.get(name);
colWidth = oneColumnEl.width;
const columnStyle = {
width: colWidth + "%",
// Support for columns resizing is currently hidden behind a pref.
const draggable = Draggable({
className: "column-resizer ",
title: L10N.getStr("netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent.title"),
onStart: () => this.onStartMove(),
onStop: () => this.onStopMove(),
onMove: x => this.onMove(name, x),
onDoubleClick: () => this.resizeColumnToFitContent(name),
id: `requests-list-${boxName}-header-box`,
className: `requests-list-column requests-list-${boxName}`,
scope: "col",
style: columnStyle,
key: name,
ref: `${name}Header`,
// Used to style the next column.
"data-active": active,
id: `requests-list-${name}-button`,
className: `requests-list-header-button`,
"data-sorted": sorted,
"data-name": name,
title: sortedTitle ? `${label} (${sortedTitle})` : label,
onClick: evt => this.onHeaderClick(evt, name),
name === "waterfall"
? this.waterfallLabel(waterfallWidth, scale, label)
: div({ className: "button-text" }, label),
div({ className: "button-icon" })
name !== lastVisibleColumn && draggable
* Render all columns in the table header
renderColumns() {
const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns();
return => this.renderColumn(header));
render() {
return dom.thead(
{ className: "requests-list-headers-group" },
className: "requests-list-headers",
onContextMenu: this.onContextMenu,
ref: node => {
this.requestListHeader = node;
module.exports = connect(
state => ({
columns: getColumns(state),
columnsData: state.ui.columnsData,
firstRequestStartedMs: state.requests.firstStartedMs,
scale: getWaterfallScale(state),
sort: state.sort,
timingMarkers: state.timingMarkers,
waterfallWidth: state.ui.waterfallWidth,
dispatch => ({
resetColumns: () => dispatch(Actions.resetColumns()),
resetSorting: () => dispatch(Actions.sortBy(null)),
resizeWaterfall: width => dispatch(Actions.resizeWaterfall(width)),
sortBy: type => dispatch(Actions.sortBy(type)),
toggleColumn: column => dispatch(Actions.toggleColumn(column)),
setColumnsWidth: widths => dispatch(Actions.setColumnsWidth(widths)),
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