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Last active April 4, 2022 23:19
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# setup:
StreamingSineWave -auto -3d +cartesian -nxb=32 -nyb=32 -nzb=32 nE=16 nSpecies=2 nNodes=2 nMoments=4 momentClosure=MINERBO -parfile=test_paramesh_3d.par -objdir=ssw3dpm.32 +amrex +thornadoACC thornadoOrder=ORDER_1
# flash.par
# refinement
nblockx = 32
nblocky = 16
nblockz = 16
Number of MPI tasks: 768
MPI version: 3
MPI subversion: 1
Dimensionality: 3
Max Number of Blocks/Proc: 200
Number x zones: 32
Number y zones: 32
Number z zones: 32
Setup stamp: Thu Mar 31 19:43:42 2022
Build stamp: Thu Mar 31 19:45:47 2022
System info:
Linux login5 4.18.0-193.46.1.el8_2.ppc64le #1 SMP Thu Feb 18 09:47:51 EST 2021 p
Flash-X alpha (heads/main-0-g53a6171a-dirty)
Build directory:
Setup syntax:
/gpfs/alpine/scratch/houjun/csc300/Flash-X-53a617.pgi/bin/ StreamingSineWave -auto -3d +cartesian -nxb=32 -nyb=32 -nzb=32 nE=16 nSpecies=2 nNodes=2 nMoments=4 momentClosure=MINERBO -parfile=test_paramesh_3d.par -objdir=ssw3dpm.32 +amrex +thornadoACC thornadoOrder=ORDER_1
f compiler flags:
mpifort -I../../../../../scratch/houjun/csc300/Flash-X-53a617.pgi/lib/thornado/include -I/gpfs/alpine/csc300/world-shared/pgi_build/hdf5/build/hdf5/include -I/sw/summit/spack-envs/base/opt/linux-rhel8-ppc64le/pgi-20.4/netlib-lapack-3.9.1-p5gywuoxf3dn6uaqkkngfzmyp5666467/include -I/gpfs/alpine/csc300/world-shared/pgi_build/amrex/build_3d/installdir/include -acc -ta=tesla:cc70,cuda10.1,ptxinfo -Minf
c compiler flags:
mpicc -I../../../../../scratch/houjun/csc300/Flash-X-53a617.pgi/lib/thornado/include -I/gpfs/alpine/csc300/world-shared/pgi_build/hdf5/build/hdf5/include -I/sw/summit/spack-envs/base/opt/linux-rhel8-ppc64le/pgi-20.4/netlib-lapack-3.9.1-p5gywuoxf3dn6uaqkkngfzmyp5666467/include -I/gpfs/alpine/csc300/world-shared/pgi_build/amrex/build_3d/installdir/include -acc -ta=tesla:cc70,cuda10.1,ptxinfo -Minfo=
Multifluid database contents:
Initially defined values of species:
Name Index Total Positive Neutral Negative bind Ener Gamma eosType
c12 268 1.20E+01 6.00E+00 6.00E+00 6.00E+00 9.22E+01 -9.99E+02 -999
mg24 269 2.40E+01 1.20E+01 1.20E+01 1.20E+01 1.98E+02 -9.99E+02 -999
o16 270 1.60E+01 8.00E+00 8.00E+00 8.00E+00 1.28E+02 -9.99E+02 -999
Name Index OpacityLowTemp Zmin Subtype ZFreeTableFile EnerTableFile PresTableFile
c12 268 0.00E+00 -9.99E+02 -999 -none- -none- -none-
mg24 269 0.00E+00 -9.99E+02 -999 -none- -none- -none-
o16 270 0.00E+00 -9.99E+02 -999 -none- -none- -none-
Species Constituents
c12 0 constituents
mg24 0 constituents
o16 0 constituents
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:13.668 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:13.668 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 2
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:13.668 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 3
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:13.668 ] [gr_amrexInit]: AMREX_GIT_VERSION=21.09-38-ga6c76f123cee
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:30.408 ] [gr_initNewLevelCallback] Initialized data on level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:31.899 ] [gr_initNewLevelCallback] GC fill: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:32.203 ] memory: /proc vsize (MB): 8893.44 (min) 9037.25 (max) 8988.92 (avg)
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:32.203 ] memory: /proc rss (MB): 2610.06 (min) 2748.31 (max) 2700.61 (avg)
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:32.205 ] memory: /proc vsize (MB): 8893.44 (min) 9037.25 (max) 8988.92 (avg)
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:32.205 ] memory: /proc rss (MB): 2610.06 (min) 2748.31 (max) 2700.61 (avg)
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:32.212 ] memory: /proc vsize (MB): 8893.44 (min) 9037.25 (max) 8988.92 (avg)
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:32.212 ] memory: /proc rss (MB): 2610.06 (min) 2748.31 (max) 2700.61 (avg)
[ 04-02-2022 06:00:36.752 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=streamingsinewave_hdf5_chk_0000
[ 04-02-2022 06:02:54.225 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=streamingsinewave_hdf5_chk_0000
[ 04-02-2022 06:02:54.304 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=streamingsinewave_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000
[ 04-02-2022 06:03:52.440 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=streamingsinewave_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000
[ 04-02-2022 06:03:52.440 ] memory: /proc vsize (MB): 8893.44 (min) 9043.00 (max) 8988.93 (avg)
[ 04-02-2022 06:03:52.440 ] memory: /proc rss (MB): 2612.75 (min) 2772.38 (max) 2703.44 (avg)
[ 04-02-2022 06:03:52.440 ] [Driver_evolveAll]: Entering evolution loop
[ 04-02-2022 06:03:52.440 ] step: n=1 t=0.000000E+00 dt=1.111880E-09
INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
[ 04-02-2022 06:03:54.160 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:01.243 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:05.346 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:09.376 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:13.402 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:17.434 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:21.459 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:25.484 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:29.526 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:33.555 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:37.587 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:41.618 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:45.632 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:49.660 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:53.681 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:04:57.703 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:01.728 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:05.742 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:09.778 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:13.837 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:17.883 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:21.939 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:26.005 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:30.049 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:34.082 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:38.121 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:42.153 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:46.183 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:50.217 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:54.249 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 06:05:58.289 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:57:55.702 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:57:59.735 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:03.766 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:07.800 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:11.839 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:15.869 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:19.899 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:23.933 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:27.969 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:32.006 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:36.038 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:40.071 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:44.105 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:48.136 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:52.167 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:58:56.200 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:00.234 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:04.269 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:08.304 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:12.335 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:16.365 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:20.400 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:24.432 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:28.462 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:32.496 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:36.530 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:40.562 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:44.596 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:48.630 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:52.662 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 07:59:56.697 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
[ 04-02-2022 08:00:00.733 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
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