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Created March 29, 2020 21:56
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defmodule RussianPeasantMultiplication.Filter do
import Monad.Result
require Integer
@errors %{
list: "Args must be list"
@doc """
Accepts a list of tuple and remove the index if the
tuple's first number is even and return the second number
list1 = [{13, 238}, {6, 476}, {3, 952}, {1, 1904}]
expected = [238, 952, 1904]
### Examples
iex> import Monad.Result
iex> alias RussianPeasantMultiplication.Filter, as: RPM_Filter
iex> list = [{13, 238}, {6, 476}, {3, 952}, {1, 1904}]
iex> result = RPM_Filter.filter(list)
iex> unwrap!(result)
[238, 952, 1904]
def filter(list) when is_list(list) do
filter(list, [])
def filter(_), do: error(@errors.list)
defp filter(list, state) do
func = fn({item1, item2}) ->
case Integer.is_odd(item1) do
true -> [{item1, item2}]
false -> [nil]
filter(list, func, success(state))
defp filter([], _func, state), do: state
defp filter([head | tail], func, state) do
new_state = func.(head) |> concat(state)
filter(tail, func, new_state)
defp concat([{_item1, item2}], state) do
|> unwrap!()
|> Enum.filter(&!is_nil&1)
|> Enum.concat([item2])
|> success()
defp concat(_, state), do: state
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