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Created October 8, 2013 18:35
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GNU-APL1.0 for MacOSX trial
This file is part of GNU APL, a free implementation of the
ISO/IEC Standard 13751, "Programming Language APL, Extended"
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <iostream>
#include "APL_types.hh"
#include "ComplexCell.hh"
#include "FloatCell.hh"
#include "Output.hh"
#include "Value.hh"
using namespace std;
#define USE_LAPACK
For this code to compile you need liblapack which has the following
Copyright (c) 1992-2011 The University of Tennessee and The University
of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 The University of California Berkeley. All
rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 The University of Colorado Denver. All rights
liblapack is NOT distributed with GNU APL; you can download it from and install it before compiling GNU APL.
On Debian systems it might be eassier to just do this:
apt-get install liblapack-dev
/// An integer.
typedef long integer;
/// A Floating point number.
typedef double doublereal;
/// A complex number.
struct doublecomplex
double r; ///< The real part.
double i; ///< The imaginary part.
extern "C"
int dgelsy_(integer *m, integer *n, integer *nrhs,
doublereal *a, integer *lda, doublereal *b, integer *ldb, integer *
jpvt, doublereal *rcond, integer *rank, doublereal *work, integer *
lwork, integer *info);
int zgelsy_(integer *m, integer *n, integer *nrhs,
doublecomplex *a, integer *lda, doublecomplex *b, integer *ldb,
integer *jpvt, doublereal *rcond, integer *rank, doublecomplex *work,
integer *lwork, doublereal *rwork, integer *info);
static int
complex_matrix_divide(__CLPK_integer /* rows */ m, __CLPK_integer /* cols */ n,
__CLPK_doublecomplex *a, __CLPK_doublecomplex * b)
__CLPK_integer nrhs = 1; // number of result columns.
__CLPK_integer lda = m;
__CLPK_integer ldb = m;
__CLPK_integer jpvt[n];
__CLPK_doublereal rcond = 0.0;
__CLPK_integer rank;
__CLPK_integer lwork;
__CLPK_doublereal rwork[2*n];
__CLPK_integer info;
// first, compute the optimal work size...
__CLPK_doublecomplex work[100];
lwork = -1;
zgelsy_(&m, &n, &nrhs, a, &lda, b, &ldb, jpvt, &rcond, &rank, work,
&lwork, rwork, &info);
if (info)
CERR << "info = " << (int)info << " in pass 1 of dgelsy_()" << endl;
lwork = 10 + __CLPK_integer(work[0].r);
// Then compute the result.
__CLPK_doublecomplex work[lwork];
zgelsy_(&m, &n, &nrhs, a, &lda, b, &ldb, jpvt, &rcond, &rank, work,
&lwork, rwork, &info);
if (info)
CERR << "info = " << (int)info << " in pass 2 of dgelsy_()" << endl;
return info;
static int
real_matrix_divide(__CLPK_integer /* rows */ m, __CLPK_integer /* cols */ n,
__CLPK_doublereal *a, __CLPK_doublereal * b)
__CLPK_integer nrhs = 1; // number of result columns.
__CLPK_integer lda = m;
__CLPK_integer ldb = m;
__CLPK_integer jpvt[n];
__CLPK_doublereal rcond = 0.0;
__CLPK_integer rank;
__CLPK_integer lwork;
__CLPK_integer info;
// First, compute the optimal work size...
__CLPK_doublereal work[100];
lwork = -1;
dgelsy_(&m, &n, &nrhs, a, &lda, b, &ldb, jpvt, &rcond, &rank, work,
&lwork, &info);
if (info)
CERR << "info = " << (int)info << " in pass 1 of dgelsy_()" << endl;
lwork = 10 + integer(work[0]);
// Then compute the result.
__CLPK_doublereal work[lwork];
dgelsy_(&m, &n, &nrhs, a, &lda, b, &ldb, jpvt, &rcond, &rank, work,
&lwork, &info);
if (info)
CERR << "info = " << (int)info << " in pass 2 of dgelsy_()" << endl;
return info;
divide_matrix(ShapeItem rows, ShapeItem cols_A, Value_P A, ShapeItem cols_B,
Value_P B, const Shape & shape_Z, APL_Float qct)
const bool need_complex = A->is_complex(qct) || B->is_complex(qct);
Value_P Z = new Value(shape_Z, LOC);
loop(c, cols_A)
if (need_complex)
__CLPK_doublecomplex a[rows];
loop(r, rows)
a[r].r = A->get_ravel(r*cols_A + c).get_real_value();
a[r].i = A->get_ravel(r*cols_A + c).get_imag_value();
__CLPK_doublecomplex b[rows*cols_B];
int bb = 0;
loop(rr, cols_B)
loop(cc, rows)
b[bb] .r = B->get_ravel(rr + cc*cols_B).get_real_value();
b[bb++].i = B->get_ravel(rr + cc*cols_B).get_imag_value();
const int result = complex_matrix_divide(rows, cols_B, b, a);
if (result)
loop(r, shape_Z.get_shape_item(0))
new (&Z->get_ravel(r*cols_A + c)) ComplexCell(a[r].r, a[r].i);
else // real
double a[rows];
loop(r, rows)
a[r] = A->get_ravel(r*cols_A + c).get_real_value();
double b[rows*cols_B];
int bb = 0;
loop(rr, cols_B)
loop(cc, rows)
b[bb++] = B->get_ravel(rr + cc*cols_B).get_real_value();
const int result = real_matrix_divide(rows, cols_B, b, a);
if (result)
loop(r, shape_Z.get_shape_item(0))
new (&Z->get_ravel(r*cols_A + c)) FloatCell(a[r]);
return Z;
this is an attempt to remove the dependency on liblapack in order to
simplify the installation of APL.
Not finished yet, volunteers are welcome.
/// helper function to init APL_Float values
inline void init_number(APL_Float & dest, const Cell & cell)
{ dest = cell.get_real_value(); }
/// helper function to init APL_Complex values
inline void init_number(APL_Complex & dest, const Cell & cell)
{ dest.real(cell.get_real_value());
dest.imag(cell.get_imag_value()); }
/// a real or complex vector
template<class T>
class Tvector
/// constructor from a pointer into Tmatrix data
Tvector(ShapeItem _len, ShapeItem _spacing, T * _data)
: len(_len),
spacing(_spacing ? _spacing : 1),
colvec(_spacing != 0),
/// return idx'th element of this vector
T & operator[](int idx)
{ Assert1(idx >= 0); Assert1(idx < len); return data[idx * spacing]; }
/// return idx'th element of this vector
const T & operator[](int idx) const
{ Assert1(idx >= 0); Assert1(idx < len); return data[idx * spacing]; }
/// return the number of elements
ShapeItem get_len() const
{ return len; }
/// number of elements
const ShapeItem len;
/// distance between elements
const ShapeItem spacing;
/// true for a column vector
bool colvec;
/// the vector elements
T * data;
/// a real or complex matrix
template<class T>
class Tmatrix
/// constructor from an APL value
Tmatrix(ShapeItem _rows, ShapeItem _cols, Value * val)
: rows(_rows),
data(new T[_rows * _cols])
const ShapeItem len = rows * cols;
loop(l, len) init_number(data[l], val->get_ravel(l));
/// constructor for a result
Tmatrix(ShapeItem _rows, ShapeItem _cols)
: rows(_rows),
data(new T[_rows * _cols])
const ShapeItem len = rows * cols;
FloatCell n(0);
loop(l, len) init_number(data[l], n);
/// destructor
~Tmatrix() { delete data; }
/// return the idx'th row
Tvector<T> row(int r)
{ Assert1(r >= 0); Assert1(r < rows);
return Tvector<T>(cols, 1, data + r); }
/// return the idx'th row
const Tvector<T> row(int r) const
{ Assert1(r >= 0); Assert1(r < rows);
return Tvector<T>(cols, 0, data + r); }
/// return the idx'th column
Tvector<T> col(int c)
{ Assert1(c >= 0); Assert1(c < cols);
return Tvector<T>(rows, rows, data + c * rows); }
/// return the idx'th column
const Tvector<T> col(int c) const
{ Assert1(c >= 0); Assert1(c < cols);
return Tvector<T>(rows, rows, data + c * rows); }
/// divide
void divide(Tvector<T> & ZZ, const Tvector<T> & AA) const;
/// number of matrix rows
const ShapeItem rows;
/// number of matrix columns
const ShapeItem cols;
/// matrix elements in row-order
T * data;
divide_matrix(ShapeItem rows, ShapeItem cols_A, Value_P A, ShapeItem cols_B,
Value_P B, const Shape & shape_Z, APL_Float qct)
const bool need_complex = A->is_complex(qct) || B->is_complex(qct);
Value_P Z = new Value(shape_Z, LOC);
if (need_complex)
const Tmatrix<APL_Complex> TA(rows, cols_A, A);
const Tmatrix<APL_Complex> TB(rows, cols_B, B);
Tmatrix<APL_Complex> TZ(cols_B, cols_A);
loop(cA, cols_A)
const Tvector<APL_Complex> VA(TA.col(cA));
Tvector<APL_Complex> VZ(TZ.col(cA));
TB.divide(VZ, VA);
const Tmatrix<APL_Float> TA(rows, cols_A, A);
const Tmatrix<APL_Float> TB(rows, cols_B, B);
Tmatrix<APL_Float> TZ(cols_B, cols_A);
loop(cA, cols_A)
const Tvector<APL_Float> VA(TA.col(cA));
Tvector<APL_Float> VZ(TZ.col(cA));
TB.divide(VZ, VA);
return Z;
template<class T>
Tmatrix<T>::divide(Tvector<T> & ZZ, const Tvector<T> & AA) const
divide_matrix(ShapeItem rows, ShapeItem cols_A, Value_P A, ShapeItem cols_B,
Value_P B, const Shape & shape_Z, APL_Float qct)
const bool need_complex = A->is_complex(qct) || B->is_complex(qct);
Value_P Z = new Value(shape_Z, LOC);
if (need_complex)
const Tmatrix<APL_Complex> TA(rows, cols_A, A);
const Tmatrix<APL_Complex> TB(rows, cols_B, B);
Tmatrix<APL_Complex> TZ(cols_B, cols_A);
loop(cA, cols_A)
const Tvector<APL_Complex> VA(TA.col(cA));
Tvector<APL_Complex> VZ(TZ.col(cA));
TB.divide(VZ, VA);
const Tmatrix<APL_Float> TA(rows, cols_A, A);
const Tmatrix<APL_Float> TB(rows, cols_B, B);
Tmatrix<APL_Float> TZ(cols_B, cols_A);
loop(cA, cols_A)
const Tvector<APL_Float> VA(TA.col(cA));
Tvector<APL_Float> VZ(TZ.col(cA));
TB.divide(VZ, VA);
return Z;
template<class T>
Tmatrix<T>::divide(Tvector<T> & ZZ, const Tvector<T> & AA) const
CERR << "dividing " << rows << "x" << cols << " matrix by "
<< AA.get_len() << "-vector. Result is " << ZZ.get_len()
<< "-vector" << endl;
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