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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Python Intro - #1 - Lists
# Welcome to Jeff's first 5 minute intro to Python.
# More illustrative of a language than just the syntax, I think
# how a language handles data says a lot. So, I'm going to talk
# mostly about that, and let's start with lists.
# Since we all know how to program, I'm going to just leave a lot to
# be picked up by example rather than by exposition.
# --- save as ''
import string
def main():
# lists are first class entities in Python
colors = [ 'red', 'yellow', 'black', 'blue', 'brown', 'white' ]
# they follow standard array semantics with some nice enhancements:
firstcolor = colors[0]
lastcolor = colors[-1]
blacknblue = colors[2:4]
everysecondcolor = colors[::2]
colorsreversed = colors[::-1]
print "Lists can be joined together as strings like this: {0}".format( ", ".join(colors) )
# oops, I forgot one, but lists are mutable.
# a linear search for existence of an element in a list is simple:
if 'milk' in colors:
print "Wow, it turns out milk is a color"
print "Everyone knows that 'milk' is actually a number"
# 'in' is also used during iteration, this is the prefered form
for color in colors:
print color
# You can transform lists with list comprehensions, which wrap the iteration
reversedcolors = [ color[::-1] for color in colorsreversed ]
print "In reverse: {0}".format( ", ".join(reversedcolors) )
# they can also do filtering:
fiveletters = [ color for color in colors if len(color) == 5 ]
print "These colors have 5 letters: ", ", ".join(fiveletters)
# essentially, a list comprehension is syntactic sugar for map() & filter()
# the following is the same as:
# print [color[::-1] for color in colors if len(color) == 5]
is_len_five = lambda s: len(s) == 5
reverse_string = lambda s: s[::-1]
fivereversed = map( reverse_string, filter(is_len_five, colors) )
print fivereversed
# btw: strings can be treated as lists of characters
phone = '(260) 555-1212'
justdigits = [c for c in phone if c in string.digits]
normalized_phone = "".join(justdigits)
print "normalized {0} -> {1}".format(phone, normalized_phone)
# There are some custom classes for supporting more complex data
# structures, but the .pop(n) method lets you treat a list as
# a stack or a queue easily enough.
stack = []
stack.append( 1 ) # it would be nice if it were named 'push' but oh well
stack.append( 2 )
top = stack.pop(-1)
assert top == 2
queue = []
queue.append( 1 )
queue.append( 2 )
head = queue.pop(0)
assert head == 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
# --- end ''
# You can execute it thusly: python
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