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Stian Håklev houshuang

View GitHub Profile
- hello
- hi
- how are you
- I'm **wonderful**
const express = require("express");
const axios = require('axios');
const app = express();
const defaultFactor = 2.5
const defaultInterval = 2
const generateOutput = ({ factor, interval, due }) =>
houshuang / gist:cafda00d5104fdcc73004c3288514c55
Last active May 22, 2023 12:05
Process flight confirmation email and send to Tana
var express = require("express");
var http = require("http");
var app = express();
const prompt = (context) => `
TASK: Extract information from CONTEXT
OUTPUT FORMAT: as a JSON structure following the TYPESCRIPT DEFINITION. Output only a valid JSON structure.
type Node = {
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const defaultFactor = 2.5
const defaultInterval = 2
const generateOutput = ({ factor, interval, due }) =>
`[[date:${due.toISOString().slice(0, 10)}]] ${factor}/${interval}`;
- #[[Twitter thread]] [[Cedric Chin]]: Increasingly curious as to why the tools-for-thought folk talk a lot about note-taking tool features and plugins and not at all about the cognitive science of better externalised thinking. [*](
- An example of why paying attention to the cognitive science is important:
- [*](
- Also relevant: [*](
- Also relevant (though this one demands some understanding of cognitive flexibility theory, and why learning in ill-structured domains is markedly different from structured domains): [*](
- For the record, I’m genuinely interested in thi
- This page is a collection of some of the Advanced queries from the [[Datalog]] channel on the [[Logseq/Discord]] server. #datalog
id:: 61db13f4-75e8-4f87-ad60-3ac3479c5fc8
- ### Resources
- [link: The first message on the datalog channel](
- [link: Logseq docs - Advanced queries](
- [link: Logseq datascript schema](
- [link: Logseq frontend db model](
- [link: How to Graph Your Data - talk by Paula Gearon](
- [link: Domain modelling with datalog - talk by Norbert Wojtowicz](
- [link: Athens Research ClojureFam](
houshuang / gist:93a320a5b3d447d13613735be2d68bec
Last active June 26, 2021 08:15
Roam JS for putting a page/block on your left sidebar
// MIT Licensed
// Author: jwilson8767
* Waits for an element satisfying selector to exist, then resolves promise with the element.
* Useful for resolving race conditions.
* @param selector
* @returns {Promise}
- {{[[roam/css]]}}
- ```css
.roam-block-container>.rm-block-children {
margin-left: 0px;
.rm-level-0 > .rm-multibar {
left: 0px;
.rm-level-1 > .rm-multibar {
left: -8px;
(ns myTablev03
[reagent.core :as r]
[datascript.core :as d]
[roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]))
(defn rand-str [len]
(apply str (take len (repeatedly #(char (+ (rand 26) 65))))))
houshuang / srs.css
Created January 5, 2021 08:09
Put in your roam/css - SRS enhancements
- Hide tags with [[css/minimal]]
- ```css
#min-title = hides the page reference link / page title
#min-con = hides the contextual reference information (breadcrumbs)
#minimal = hides both the title and the context
#min-q = hides the query string, similar to legacy behavior
#min-all = hides everything — title, context, and query string
inspired by Matt Goldenberg */