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Created October 25, 2018 12:37
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Verdaccio config file
# This is the config file used for the docker images.
# It allows all users to do anything, so don't use it on production systems.
# Do not configure host and port under `listen` in this file
# as it will be ignored when using docker.
# see
# Look here for more config file examples:
# path to a directory with all packages
storage: /verdaccio/storage
# path to a directory with plugins to include
plugins: /verdaccio/plugins
# WebUI is enabled as default, if you want disable it, just uncomment this line
#enable: false
title: Verdaccio
auth: -1
# htpasswd:
# file: /verdaccio/conf/htpasswd
# # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
# # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
# #max_users: 1000
# security:
# api:
# jwt:
# sign:
# expiresIn: 60d
# notBefore: 1
# web:
# sign:
# expiresIn: 7d
# a list of other known repositories we can talk to
# amount of time to wait for repository to respond
# before giving up and use the local cached copy
#timeout: 30s
# maximum time in which data is considered up to date
# default is 2 minutes, so server won't request the same data from
# uplink if a similar request was made less than 2 minutes ago
#maxage: 2m
# if two subsequent requests fail, no further requests will be sent to
# this uplink for five minutes
#max_fails: 2
#fail_timeout: 5m
# timeouts are defined in the same way as nginx, see:
# add/override HTTP headers sent to the uplink server
# this allows for HTTP Basic auth for example:
# authorization: "Basic YourBase64EncodedCredentials=="
# set this to false to prevent tarballs from this upstream
# to be stored in the local storage (defaults to true)
#cache: false
# set this to false to disable strict SSL cert check (defaults to true)
#strict_ssl: false
# '@jota/*':
# access: $all
# publish: $all
# '@*/*':
# # scoped packages
# access: $all
# publish: $all
# proxy: npmjs
# allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
# publish all packages
# you can specify usernames/groupnames (depending on your auth plugin)
# and three keywords: "$all", "$anonymous", "$authenticated"
access: $all
# allow all known users to publish packages
# (anyone can register by default, remember?)
publish: $all
# if package is not available locally, proxy requests to 'npmjs' registry
proxy: npmjs
# To use `npm audit` uncomment the following section
enabled: true
# Advanced settings
## Special packages publish configurations
## This will allow the publisher to publish packages even if any uplink is down.
# allow_offline: true
# if you use nginx with custom path, use this to override links
# You can specify listen address (or simply a port).
# If you add multiple values, verdaccio will listen on all of them.
# Examples:
# - localhost:4873 # default value
# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
# - # if you want to use https
# - [::1]:4873 # ipv6
# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
# Configure HTTPS, it is required if you use "https" protocol above.
# key: path/to/server.key
# cert: path/to/server.crt
# ca: path/to/server.pem
# type: file | stdout | stderr
# level: trace | debug | info | http (default) | warn | error | fatal
# parameters for file: name is filename
# {type: 'file', path: 'verdaccio.log', level: 'debug'},
# Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See:
# {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
# parameters for stdout and stderr: format: json | pretty | pretty-timestamped
# {type: 'stdout', format: 'pretty', level: 'debug'},
- {type: stdout, format: pretty-timestamped, level: http}
#- {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
#- {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: trace}
#- {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
# you can specify proxy used with all requests in wget-like manner here
# (or set up ENV variables with the same name)
#http_proxy: http://something.local/
#https_proxy: https://something.local/
#no_proxy: localhost,
# maximum size of uploaded json document
# increase it if you have "request entity too large" errors
#max_body_size: 1mb
# Notify Settings
# Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming
# webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to
# any endpoint. Currently only active for publish / create
# commands.
# Choose a method. Technically this will accept any HTTP
# request method, but probably stick to GET or POST
# method: POST
# Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular
# expression
# packagePattern: ^example-package$
# Any flags to be used with the regular expression
# packagePatternFlags: i
# If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here
# as an array of key: value objects.
# headers: [{'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}]
# set the URL endpoint for this call
# endpoint:
# Finally, the content you will be sending in the body.
# This data will first be run through Handlebars to parse
# any Handlebar expressions. All data housed in the metadata object
# is available for use within the expressions.
# content: ' {{ handlebar-expression }}'
# For Slack, follow the following format:
# content: '{ "text": "Package *{{ name }}* published to version *{{ dist-tags.latest }}*", "username": "Verdaccio", "icon_emoji": ":package:" }'
# Multiple notification endpoints can be created by specifying a collection
# 'example-package-1':
# method: POST
# Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular
# expression
# packagePattern: ^example-package-regex$
# Any flags to be used with the regular expression
# since verdaccio 2.2.2 this property has been disabled read #108
# it will be re-enabled after 2.5.0
# packagePatternFlags: i
# If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here
# as an array of key: value objects.
# headers supports as well a literal object
# headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
# set the URL endpoint for this call
# endpoint:
# Finally, the content you will be sending in the body.
# This data will first be run through Handlebars to parse
# any Handlebar expressions. All data housed in the metadata object
# is available for use within the expressions.
# content: ' {{ handlebar-expression }}'
# For Slack, follow the following format:
# content: '{ "text": "Package *{{ name }}* published to version *{{ dist-tags.latest }}*", "username": "Verdaccio", "icon_emoji": ":package:" }'
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