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Created July 20, 2023 20:10
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Solar tracker hack for Asheville, NC from July-19 to Oct-18 2023
#r "nuget: CoordinateSharp"
open System
open CoordinateSharp
let calculateSolarNoon latitude longitude (date: DateTime) =
let celestialTimes = Celestial.CalculateCelestialTimes(latitude, longitude, date, 0.0)
// Helper function to convert degrees to radians
let toRadians (degrees: float) = degrees * Math.PI / 180.0
// Helper for time zone offset
let localTimeZoneOffset = DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset
// helper to square a number
let sqr x = x ** 2.0
// Calculate the Equation of Time (EOT) for a given date
let calculateEoT (date: DateTime) =
let n = float date.DayOfYear
let b = (n - 1.0) * 2.0 * Math.PI / 365.0
let g = 357.0 + b
let e = 0.0167
let sinG = Math.Sin g
let cosG = Math.Cos g
let c = sinG * sinG + cosG * cosG * e * e
let d = Math.Sqrt c
let eot = 720.0 * (d / Math.PI)
// Helper to hack the difference in days from July 19, 2023
let dayDifference (date: DateTime) : int =
let staticDate = DateTime(2023, 7, 19)
let daysPassed = (date - staticDate).Days
// Helper to hack EoT to be more accurate for 90 days after July 19, 2023
let interpolateEmpiricalCorrection (dayOfYear: int) =
let days = [| 0, -10.0; 15, 40.0; 30, 100.0; 45, 130.0; 60, 145.0; 75, 100.0; 90, 57.0; |]
let rec findDataPoints (days: (int * float)[]) prevDay currentDay =
match days with
| [||] | [| (_, _)|] -> (prevDay, currentDay)
| _ ->
match days.[1] with
| (day, _) when day < dayOfYear ->
findDataPoints (Array.tail days) days.[0] days.[1]
| _ -> (prevDay, currentDay)
let (prevDay, currentDay) = findDataPoints days days.[0] days.[1]
let prevCorrection = snd prevDay
let currentCorrection = snd currentDay
let prevDayOfYear = fst prevDay
let currentDayOfYear = fst currentDay
let weight = float (dayOfYear - prevDayOfYear) / float (currentDayOfYear - prevDayOfYear)
prevCorrection + weight * (currentCorrection - prevCorrection)
// Empirical correction factor from July 2023 to October 2023
let empiricalCorrection = interpolateEmpiricalCorrection (dayDifference date)
TimeSpan.FromMinutes (eot + empiricalCorrection)
// Calculate the time from azimuth with Equation of Time (EOT) compensation
let calculateTimeFromAzimuth latitude longitude (date: DateTime) azimuthCompensation =
let timeZoneOffset = localTimeZoneOffset
let observer = Coordinate(latitude, longitude, date)
let celestialInfo = observer.CelestialInfo
let eot = calculateEoT date
let solarNoonTime = celestialInfo.SolarNoon.Value.ToLocalTime().TimeOfDay
let azimuthOffset = azimuthCompensation / 15.0 // Convert azimuth compensation to hours
// Adjust azimuth offset based on latitude to refine the result
let azimuthMultiplier =
if latitude > 0.0 then 1.15
else if latitude < 0.0 then 0.85
else 1.0
let adjustedAzimuthOffset = azimuthOffset * azimuthMultiplier
let observerDateTime = date.Date + solarNoonTime + eot + TimeSpan.FromHours(adjustedAzimuthOffset) + timeZoneOffset
// Adjust the observerDateTime if it falls on a different day
if observerDateTime.Date <> date.Date then
observerDateTime - TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0)
// Example usage
let latitude = 35.5951 // Latitude of Asheville, NC
let longitude = -82.5515 // Longitude of Asheville, NC
let date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(110.0)
let maxTime = calculateTimeFromAzimuth latitude longitude date (22.0)
let solarNoon = calculateSolarNoon latitude longitude date
let minTime =
let positiveTimeDifference = maxTime - solarNoon
let minDateTime = solarNoon - positiveTimeDifference
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