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Last active September 25, 2023 11:41
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Sundial function to calculate time based on azimuth position of the Sun
#r "nuget: CoordinateSharp"
open System
open CoordinateSharp
let find_Closest_TimeUnit addTimeFn rangeStart rangeEnd (c : Coordinate) azimuth adjustNegatively =
let el = EagerLoad(EagerLoadType.Celestial)
el.Extensions <- EagerLoad_Extensions(EagerLoad_ExtensionsType.Solar_Cycle)
let mutable closestTime = 0
let mutable minDiff = 999.0
for direction in [1; -1] do
if direction = 1 || adjustNegatively then
for x in rangeStart .. rangeEnd do
let newTime = addTimeFn (float (x * direction))
let nc = Coordinate(c.Latitude.ToDouble(), c.Longitude.ToDouble(), newTime, el)
nc.Offset <- c.Offset
let currentAzimuth = nc.CelestialInfo.SunAzimuth
let diff = Math.Abs(currentAzimuth - azimuth)
if diff < minDiff then
minDiff <- diff
closestTime <- x * direction
addTimeFn (float closestTime)
let get_Time_At_Solar_Azimuth azimuth (c : Coordinate) =
let hour = find_Closest_TimeUnit (c.GeoDate.AddHours) 0 23 c azimuth false
let minute = find_Closest_TimeUnit (hour.AddMinutes) 0 59 c azimuth true
let second = find_Closest_TimeUnit (minute.AddSeconds) 0 59 c azimuth true
let main () =
let lateAzimuth = 202.00
let earlyAzimuth = 158.00
let lat = 35.0
let lon = -82.5
let offset = -5.0
let d = DateTime(2024, 1, 1)
let c = Coordinate(lat, lon, d)
c.Offset <- offset
let timeAtEarlyAzimuth = get_Time_At_Solar_Azimuth earlyAzimuth c
let timeAtLateAzimuth = get_Time_At_Solar_Azimuth lateAzimuth c
printfn "Time at Sunrise: %A" c.CelestialInfo.SunRise
printfn "Time at early azimuth: %A" timeAtEarlyAzimuth
printfn "Solar noon: %A" c.CelestialInfo.SolarNoon
printfn "Time at late azimuth: %A" timeAtLateAzimuth
printfn "Time at Sunset: %A" c.CelestialInfo.SunSet
if c.CelestialInfo.SolarNoon.HasValue then
let ts = timeAtLateAzimuth - c.CelestialInfo.SolarNoon.Value
printfn "Time range from Solar noon: %d:%d" ts.Hours (abs ts.Minutes)
let c = Coordinate(lat, lon, timeAtEarlyAzimuth)
c.Offset <- offset
printfn "Early azimuth at time verification: %A" c.CelestialInfo.SunAzimuth
main ()
Time at Sunrise: 1/1/2024 7:39:08 AM
Time at early azimuth: 1/1/2024 11:11:47 AM
Solar noon: 1/1/2024 12:34:29 PM
Time at late azimuth: 1/1/2024 1:59:09 PM
Time at Sunset: 1/1/2024 5:29:49 PM
Time range from Solar noon: 1:24
Early azimuth at time verification: 157.9994881
(* use to verify these dat/time points *)
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houstonhaynes commented Sep 25, 2023

I definitely planning to adopt @ijrussell 's further refactor - such a great learning experience! 🧠

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