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Last active December 29, 2015 15:09
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Save hovsater/7688474 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
User-defined command to setup key mappings for RSpec.
function RSpecCommands(bang)
if !a:bang
noremap <Leader>t :!bundle exec rspec %<CR>
noremap <Leader>T :!bundle exec rspec %:<C-R>=line('.')<CR><CR>
silent! nunmap <Leader>t
silent! nunmap <Leader>T
command -bang RSpec call RSpecCommands(<bang>0)


In Vim run :RSpec to activate the key mappings. <Leader>t can either run all tests in the current file or all tests in the project if no file is present. <Leader>T will run the test on the current line. Run :RSpec! to deactivate the key mappings.

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