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Created July 11, 2023 14:44
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Example of three different ways to use otel tracing in bash. See
# Usage: tracing::init [endpoint; default localhost:4317]
function tracing::init() {
# Usage: tracing::auto::init [endpoint; default localhost:4317]
function tracing::auto::init() {
set -o functrace
# First, get a trace and span ID. We need to get one now so we can propogate it to the child
# Get trace ID from TRACEPARENT, if present
trace="$(<<<${TRACEPARENT:-} cut -d- -f2)"
trace="${trace:-"$(tr -dc 'a-f0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 32)"}"
function tracing::internal::on_debug() {
# We will get a callback for each operation in the function. We just want it for the function initially entering
# This is probably not handling recursive calls correctly.
[[ "${FUNCNAME[1]}" != "$(<<<$BASH_COMMAND cut -d' ' -f1)" ]] && return
local tp=`tr -dc 'a-f0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 16`
starts+=("$(date -u +%s.%N)")
function tracing::internal::on_return() {
if [[ ${#spans[@]} == 0 ]]; then
# This happens on the call to tracing::init
local tp=""
if [[ ${#spans[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then
local span="${spans[-1]}"
local start="${starts[-1]}"
local nextparent="${oldparents[-1]}"
unset spans[-1]
unset starts[-1]
unset oldparents[-1]
TRACEPARENT=$nextparent otel-cli span \
--service "${BASH_SOURCE[-1]}" \
--name "${FUNCNAME[1]}" \
--start "$start" \
--end "$(date -u +%s.%N)" \
--force-trace-id "$trace" \
--force-span-id "$span"
trap tracing::internal::on_return RETURN
trap tracing::internal::on_debug DEBUG
# Usage: tracing::run <span name> [command ...]
function tracing::run() {
# Throughout, "local" usage is critical to avoid nested calls overwriting things
local start="$(date -u +%s.%N)"
# First, get a trace and span ID. We need to get one now so we can propagate it to the child
# Get trace ID from TRACEPARENT, if present
local tid="$(<<<${TRACEPARENT:-} cut -d- -f2)"
tid="${tid:-"$(tr -dc 'a-f0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 32)"}"
# Always generate a new span ID
local sid="$(tr -dc 'a-f0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 16)"
# Execute the command they wanted with the propagation through TRACEPARENT
TRACEPARENT="00-${tid}-${sid}-01" "${@:2}"
local end="$(date -u +%s.%N)"
# Now report this span. We override the IDs to the ones we set before.
# TODO: support attributes
otel-cli span \
--service "${BASH_SOURCE[-1]}" \
--name "$1" \
--start "$start" \
--end "$end" \
--force-trace-id "$tid" \
--force-span-id "$sid"
# Usage: tracing::decorate <function>
# Automatically makes a function traced.
function tracing::decorate() {
eval "\
function $1() {
_$(typeset -f "$1")
tracing::run '$1' _$1
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