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Last active July 25, 2022 18:28
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This script checks for the binds configured for applications in an Istio mesh, and determines which ports need custom configuration (both in the current Istio version, and potential future changes)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script determines how applications in the mesh and exposed by a Service bind.
# Dependencies on host: kubectl, istioctl, jq.
# Dependencies on mesh: distroless is not supported, ipv6 untested. This script supports only Istio 1.8.1+.
# This will `exec` into the proxy, but only run ss, so it should be suitable to run in a live cluster.
# In Istio 1.9, localhost and wildcard binds are supported out of the box. A bind to POD_IP can be enabled
# with a custom Sidecar.
# In future versions of Istio, we may change this to support wildcard and POD_IP binds out of the box, and
# localhost binds requiring a custom Sidecar. This matches the behavior of Kubernetes without Istio.
# This scripts attempts to determine whether any pods in the mesh will be impacted.
# * red: "localhost bind" result indicates the pod will stop working without additional configuration
# * green: "wildcard bind" result indicates no changes will occur
# * yellow: "bind not found" likely means your Service exposes a non-existent port (or this script is broken)
# * blue: "other bind found" likely means either: you have already created a custom Sidecar for this port, the port does not work, or the script had an issue
# Example output:
# Checking cassandra-1611606400-0/default...
# Port 7000: other bind found (
# Port 7001: bind not found
# Port 7199: localhost bind
# Port 8080: bind not found
# Port 9042: wildcard bind
# Port 9160: wildcard bind
pods="$(kubectl get pods -l -A --template '{{range .items}}{{}}/{{.metadata.namespace}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')"
for pod in $pods; do
name=$(<<<$pod cut -d/ -f1)
ns=$(<<<$pod cut -d/ -f2)
echo "Checking ${name}/${ns}..."
ports="$(istioctl proxy-config cluster $name.$ns --direction=inbound -ojson | jq '.[].name' | cut -d'|' -f2)"
listeners="$(kubectl exec $name -n $ns -c istio-proxy -- sh -c 'ss -ltn | awk '"'"'{print $4}'"'")"
for port in ${ports}; do
bind="$(<<<"${listeners}" grep "${port}" | head -n1 | cut -d: -f1)"
case "${bind}" in
echo -e " ${yellow}Port ${port}: bind not found${clr}";;
'*' | "" | "[::1]")
echo -e " ${green}Port ${port}: wildcard bind${clr}";;
"" | "[::ffff:]")
echo -e " ${red}Port ${port}: localhost bind${clr}"
echo -e " ${blue}Port ${port}: other bind found (${bind})${clr}";;
exit $code
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