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Last active November 25, 2016 13:43
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# Cheezy perl script to produce the typeset Unix manual, as ken intended.
# Gets a list of every manpage from man(1), and compile them into per-section PDF files in the final/ subdir
# Pulls the intro page to the front of each section, if there is one.
# Also leaves the individual PDF pages in the various man* subdirs
# Assumptions: you have groff and ghostscript installed. I think you will need to run makewhatis, too.
# You probably want to make sure the man-pages package is installed to get section 2 & 3 fleshed out
# Takes about an hour to run on my average CentOS 6 system, producing 18145 pages (45MB) of PDF output!
# Twitter: @anotherhowie November 2016
# man will tell us all the manpages it knows about
open(PAGES, "man -aw \\* |");
while(<PAGES>) {
chomp; chomp;
@parts = split(/\//);
$section = $parts[-2];
$new_path = join("/", @parts[-2,-1]);
$new_path =~ s/\.gz/.pdf/;
if (! exists($sections{$section})) {
$sections{$section} = {};
mkdir $section;
$sections{$section}{$_} = $new_path;
foreach $section (sort keys %sections) {
print "## Section $section\n";
@pages = sort keys %{$sections{$section}};
foreach $page (@pages) {
$new_path = $sections{$section}{$page};
# print "# $page => $new_path\n";
$command = "cat $page | groff -Tps -mandoc - | ps2pdf - $new_path";
if ($page =~ /\.gz$/) {
$command = "z".$command;
if (! -f $new_path) {
print "$command\n";
# end of section collating
@outputs = map {$sections{$section}{$_}} @pages;
# move the intro to the front of the section, if there is one
($intro) = grep { m/\/intro\./} @outputs;
@page_order = grep { ! m/\/intro\./} @outputs;
if ($intro) {
unshift(@page_order, $intro);
system("gs", "-dBATCH", "-dNOPAUSE", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-sOutputFile=final/${section}.pdf", @page_order);
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