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Last active November 15, 2018 01:37
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Parallel implementation of bootCI for the R DCchoice package
## Computing a bootsrap confidence interval
bootCI.parallel <- function (obj, nboot = 1000, CI = 0.95, individual = NULL, threads = 1) {
## Manage any potential incorrect inputs, error out as approrpiate
if(!inherits(obj, c("sbchoice", "dbchoice", "oohbchoice")))
stop("the object must be sbchoice, dbchoice, or oohbchoice class")
if(CI > 1 | CI < 0)
stop("CI must be between 0 and 1")
if(!is.null(threads) && !is.numeric(threads))
stop("threads must be an integer or NULL for autodetection")
## If threads is not 1, prepare for parallel processing. Also, if
## threads == NULL, allow registerDoMC to do its own thing. If
if(threads != 1 || is.null(threads))
registerDoMC(cores = threads)
tmp.dat <- eval(obj$data, parent.frame()) # retrieving the data from the object
nobs <- obj$nobs
ind <- 1:nobs
dist <- obj$distribution
fr <- obj$formula
if (!is.null(individual)) {
formula <- formula(obj$formula, lhs = 0, rhs = -2)
mf.nexX <- model.frame(formula, individual, xlev = obj$xlevels)
mm.newX <- model.matrix(formula, mf.nexX, contrasts.arg = obj$contrasts)
if(inherits(obj, c("dbchoice", "oohbchoice"))) {
results <- foreach(i = 1:nboot, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
## determinw the number of rows for bootstrap sample
## with replacement and resample
ind.boot <- sample(ind, nobs, replace = TRUE)
boot.dat <- tmp.dat[ind.boot, ]
if(!inherits(obj, "oohbchoice")) {
suppressWarnings( <- dbchoice(fr, data = boot.dat, dist = dist, par = obj$coefficients))
} else if(inherits(obj, "oohbchoice")) {
suppressWarnings( <- oohbchoice(fr, data = boot.dat, dist = dist, par = obj$coefficients))
if (is.null(individual)) {
boot <- DCchoice:::wtp(object =$covariates, b =$coefficients, bid =$bid, dist =$dist)
} else {
boot <- DCchoice:::wtp(object = mm.newX, b =$coefficients, bid =$bid, dist =$dist)
} else {
i < i - 1 # discard an unconverged trial
} else if(class(obj) == "sbchoice"){
results <- foreach(i = 1:nboot, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
ind.boot <- sample(ind, nobs, replace = TRUE)
boot.dat <- tmp.dat[ind.boot, ]
suppressWarnings( <- sbchoice(fr, data = boot.dat, dist = dist, par = obj$coefficients))
if (is.null(individual)) {
boot <- DCchoice:::wtp(object =$covariates, b =$coefficients, bid =$bid, dist =$dist)
} else {
boot <- DCchoice:::wtp(object = mm.newX, b =$coefficients, bid =$bid, dist =$dist)
} else {
i < i -1 # discard an unconverged trial
results <-
boot.mean <- unlist(results$meanWTP)
boot.median <- unlist(results$medianWTP)
boot.trmean <- unlist(results$trunc.meanWTP)
boot.adj.trmean <- unlist(results$adj.trunc.meanWTP)
output <- list(mWTP = boot.mean, tr.mWTP = boot.trmean, = boot.adj.trmean, medWTP = boot.median)
## sorting the simulation outcomes
boot.mean <- sort(boot.mean)
boot.median <- sort(boot.median)
boot.trmean <- sort(boot.trmean)
boot.adj.trmean <- sort(boot.adj.trmean)
lb <- 0.5 * (1 - CI) # lower bound of the empirical distribution
ub <- CI + lb # upper bound of the empirical distribution
int <- c(ceiling(nboot*lb), floor(nboot*ub)) # subscripts corresponding to lb and ub
## 100*CI% bootstrap CI
CImat <- rbind(boot.mean[int], # for mean
boot.trmean[int], # for truncated mean
boot.adj.trmean[int], # for truncated mean with adjustment
boot.median[int]) # for median
## the mean estimates in the original outcome
if (is.null(individual)) {
tmp.sum <- DCchoice:::wtp(object = obj$covariates, b = obj$coefficients, bid = obj$bid, dist = obj$dist)
} else {
tmp.sum <- DCchoice:::wtp(object = mm.newX, b = obj$coefficients, bid = obj$bid, dist = obj$dist)
out <- cbind(c(tmp.sum$meanWTP, tmp.sum$trunc.meanWTP, tmp.sum$adj.trunc.meanWTP, tmp.sum$medianWTP), CImat)
rownames(out) <- c("Mean", "truncated Mean", "adjusted truncated Mean", "Median")
colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LB", "UB")
out[1, 2:3] <- -999 # return -999 if the original outcome does not meet the condition for a finite mean WTP estimate
output$mWTP <- -999
output$out <- out
class(output) <- "bootCI"
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