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Created October 28, 2015 16:17
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MuraCMS Email obfuscator: Place this code inside of the theme-level eventHandler.cfc
function onRenderEnd (required any $){
request.__muraresponse__ = hideEmails(request.__muraresponse__);
string function hideEmails(required string contentBlock){
local.emailRegEx = '[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}';
//first do the mailto links
local.mailToLinks = reMatchNoCase("mailto:#local.emailRegEx#", arguments.contentBlock);
for(local.mailToLink in local.mailToLinks){
local.newLink = rEReplaceNoCase(local.mailToLink,"mailto:(.*)@(.*)","javascript:noSpam('\1','\2')");
contentBlock = replaceNoCase(contentBlock,local.mailToLink,local.newLink,"all");
//then do the plain test emails
local.emailAddresses = reMatchNoCase("#local.emailRegEx#", arguments.contentBlock);
for(local.emailAddress in local.emailAddresses){
local.newEmail = htmlObfuscateString(local.emailAddress);
contentBlock = replaceNoCase(contentBlock,local.emailAddress,local.newEmail,"all");
return contentBlock;
string function htmlObfuscateString(required string stringToEncode){
local.encodedString = "";
for(local.i=1; local.i lte len(stringToEncode); local.i++){
switch(local.i mod 3){
case 0: //ascii encode
local.encodedString &= "&###asc(mid(stringToEncode,local.i,1))#;";
case 1: //hex encode
local.encodedString &= "&##x#FormatBaseN(asc(mid(stringToEncode, local.i, 1)), 16)#;";
case 2: //normal
local.encodedString &= mid(stringToEncode, local.i, 1);
return local.encodedString;
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