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Last active April 24, 2024 14:18
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First attempt at getting AE camera data into Houdini (hacky woo)
# Ultra quick'n'hacky AE camera animation importer for Houdini.
# Create a new shelf, create a new tool, paste this into the script box.
# In AE, select the Orientation and/or Position keyframes, and Ctrl/Cmd-C them to the clipboard
# Open a new text file (Notepad or Textedit) and paste the clipboard contents in. There's your keyframes.
# Save the text file somewhere and amend the filename line below to suit
# In Houdini, create a camera (it's up to you to set the same zoom / aperture as the AE one).
# ... and run this script (well, press the shelf button you stuck this on)
import hou
# amend the next two lines as required
h = hou.node("/obj/cam1")
filename = "cameraKeyFrameData.txt"
state = "crap"
ignoreLine = False
with open (filename,"rU") as ff:
for theLine in ff:
elements = theLine.strip().split("\t")
ignoreLine = False
if len(elements) == 0:
state = "crap"
ignoreLine = True
if elements.count("X degrees") > 0:
state = "orientation"
ignoreLine = True
if elements.count("X pixels") > 0:
state = "translate"
ignoreLine = True
if ignoreLine == False:
if len(elements) == 4:
theFrame = elements[0]
theXValue = elements[1]
theYValue = elements[2]
theZValue = elements[3]
if state == "translate":
print ("At frame "+theFrame+" translate to: "+theXValue)
setKey = hou.Keyframe()
testCh = hou.parm("obj/cam1/tx")
setKey = hou.Keyframe()
testCh = hou.parm("obj/cam1/ty")
setKey = hou.Keyframe()
testCh = hou.parm("obj/cam1/tz")
if state == "orientation":
print ("At frame "+theFrame+" orient to: "+theXValue)
setKey = hou.Keyframe()
testCh = hou.parm("obj/cam1/rx")
setKey = hou.Keyframe()
testCh = hou.parm("obj/cam1/ry")
setKey = hou.Keyframe()
testCh = hou.parm("obj/cam1/rz")
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thanks a lot for the script + your process comment : very helpfull for a newbie !!!

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Hi friend. With your permission, I have a little finalized your idea. Now you do not need to save the txt file. The camera animation is immediately copied from the buffer.

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raytirat commented Aug 21, 2019

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Hi friend. With your permission, I have a little finalized your idea. Now you do not need to save the txt file. The camera animation is immediately copied from the buffer.

Heh - nice - but makes it platform dependent though. I'll try and get round to doing something a bit better. Tidiest solution would be to just grab the clipboard contents straight into a string and deal with it there.

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Heh - nice - but makes it platform dependent though. I'll try and get round to doing something a bit better. Tidiest solution would be to just grab the clipboard contents straight into a string and deal with it there.

I didn’t quite manage to do this, because the buffer encoding adds extra tabs. But it will be very nice to look at your option

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Houdini shows me an error when i run this code, that is- "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''.
I found that replacing "setKey.setFrame(int(theFrame))" with "setKey.setFrame(int(float(theFrame)))" solves the problem.

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Hey!! my camera was in the wrong direction and i don't understand how to correct it

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