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Last active November 29, 2020 04:14
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  • Save howmanysmall/016a35f0debcfb81f14e6bee03d450de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save howmanysmall/016a35f0debcfb81f14e6bee03d450de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local Alphabet = {}
local Indexes = {}
for Index = 65, 90 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- A-Z
for Index = 97, 122 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- a-z
for Index = 48, 57 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- 0-9
table.insert(Alphabet, 43) -- +
table.insert(Alphabet, 47) -- /
for Index, Character in ipairs(Alphabet) do
Indexes[Character] = Index
local Base64 = {}
local bit32_rshift = bit32.rshift
local bit32_lshift = bit32.lshift
local bit32_band =
Encodes a string in Base64.
@param [String] Input The input string to encode.
@returns [String] The string encoded in Base64.
function Base64.Encode(Input)
local Output = {}
local Length = 0
for Index = 1, #Input, 3 do
local C1, C2, C3 = string.byte(Input, Index, Index + 2)
local A = bit32_rshift(C1, 2)
local B = bit32_lshift(bit32_band(C1, 3), 4) + bit32_rshift(C2 or 0, 4)
local C = bit32_lshift(bit32_band(C2 or 0, 15), 2) + bit32_rshift(C3 or 0, 6)
local D = bit32_band(C3 or 0, 63)
Output[Length + 1] = Alphabet[A + 1]
Output[Length + 2] = Alphabet[B + 1]
Output[Length + 3] = C2 and Alphabet[C + 1] or 61
Output[Length + 4] = C3 and Alphabet[D + 1] or 61
Length = Length + 4
local NewOutput = {}
local NewLength = 0
for Index = 1, Length, 4096 do
NewLength = NewLength + 1
NewOutput[NewLength] = string.char(table.unpack(Output, Index, math.min(Index + 4096 - 1, Length)))
return table.concat(NewOutput, "")
Decodes a string from Base64.
@param [String] Input The input string to decode.
@returns [String] The newly decoded string.
function Base64.Decode(Input)
local Output = {}
local Length = 0
for Index = 1, #Input, 4 do
local C1, C2, C3, C4 = string.byte(Input, Index, Index + 3)
local I1 = Indexes[C1] - 1
local I2 = Indexes[C2] - 1
local I3 = (Indexes[C3] or 1) - 1
local I4 = (Indexes[C4] or 1) - 1
local A = bit32_lshift(I1, 2) + bit32_rshift(I2, 4)
local B = bit32_lshift(bit32_band(I2, 15), 4) + bit32_rshift(I3, 2)
local C = bit32_lshift(bit32_band(I3, 3), 6) + I4
Length = Length + 1
Output[Length] = A
if C3 ~= 61 then Length = Length + 1 Output[Length] = B end
if C4 ~= 61 then Length = Length + 1 Output[Length] = C end
local NewOutput = {}
local NewLength = 0
for Index = 1, Length, 4096 do
NewLength = NewLength + 1
NewOutput[NewLength] = string.char(table.unpack(Output, Index, math.min(Index + 4096 - 1, Length)))
return table.concat(NewOutput, "")
return Base64
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Finally got it as fast as possible.

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