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Created July 28, 2023 23:42
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--!optimize 2
local fs = require("@lune/fs")
local process = require("@lune/process")
local stdio = require("@lune/stdio")
getfenv(1).Vector2 = {
new = function()
return {X = 0, Y = 0}
local function CreateAssets(AssetsPath: string, DefinitionPath: string, ExportName: string)
if not fs.isFile(AssetsPath) then
return 0
local require = require
local Assets: {[string]: any} = require(process.cwd .. (string.gsub(AssetsPath, ".lua", "")))
assert(string.match(DefinitionPath, "%.d%.ts$"), "Not a valid definition path?")
local String = {
"type AssetId = `rbxassetid://${string}`;";
"interface SpritesheetEntry {";
"\tImage: AssetId;";
"\tImageRectOffset: Vector2;";
"\tImageRectSize: Vector2;";
local Length = 8
local Interfaces: {string} = {}
local InterfacesLength = 0
local function CreateInterface(Table: {[string]: any}, InterfaceName: string)
local Interface = {string.format("interface %* {", InterfaceName)}
local InterfaceLength = 1
for AssetName, AssetValue in Table do
InterfaceLength += 1
Interface[InterfaceLength] = string.format(
"\t%*: %*;",
if type(AssetValue) == "string" then "AssetId" else "SpritesheetEntry"
Interface[InterfaceLength + 1] = "}"
Interface[InterfaceLength + 2] = ""
return table.concat(Interface, "\n")
for InterfaceName, InterfaceValue in Assets do
if type(InterfaceValue) == "table" then
InterfacesLength += 1
Interfaces[InterfacesLength] = InterfaceName
Length += 1
String[Length] = CreateInterface(InterfaceValue, InterfaceName)
elseif type(InterfaceValue) == "string" then
Length += 1
String[Length] = string.format("\t%*: AssetId;", InterfaceName)
local ExportString = {"interface TarmacAssets {"}
local ExportLength = 1
for _, InterfaceName in Interfaces do
ExportLength += 1
ExportString[ExportLength] = string.format("\t%*: %*;", InterfaceName, InterfaceName)
ExportString[ExportLength + 1] = "}"
ExportString[ExportLength + 2] = ""
ExportString[ExportLength + 3] = `declare const {ExportName}: TarmacAssets;`
ExportString[ExportLength + 4] = `export = {ExportName};`
ExportString[ExportLength + 5] = ""
String[Length + 1] = table.concat(ExportString, "\n")
fs.writeFile(DefinitionPath, table.concat(String, "\n"))
return 1
local AssetsPath = stdio.prompt("text", "Please write the path to the assets file.", "src/shared/assets.lua")
local DefinitionPath =
stdio.prompt("text", "Please write the path to the assets definition file.", "src/shared/assets.d.ts")
local ExportName = stdio.prompt("text", "What do you want the export to be called?", "Assets")
CreateAssets(AssetsPath, DefinitionPath, ExportName)
return CreateAssets
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