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Created September 10, 2023 21:46
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const AXES = ["X" as const, "Y" as const, "Z" as const];
export default function axisIndexToVector3Property(axisIndex: number) {
return AXES[axisIndex];
import axisIndexToVector3Property from "./axis-index-to-vector3-property";
* @hidden
export default class KDNode<T> {
public left?: KDNode<T>;
public right?: KDNode<T>;
public readonly object: T;
public readonly position: Vector3;
public constructor(position: Vector3, object: T) {
this.object = object;
this.position = position;
public insert(position: Vector3, object: T, depth: number) {
const axis = axisIndexToVector3Property(depth % 3);
if (position[axis] < this.position[axis]) {
if (!this.left) this.left = new KDNode(position, object);
else this.left.insert(position, object, depth + 1);
} else {
if (!this.right) this.right = new KDNode(position, object);
else this.right.insert(position, object, depth + 1);
public destroy() {
setmetatable(this, undefined!);
import KDNode from "./k-d-node";
import axisIndexToVector3Property from "./axis-index-to-vector3-property";
export default class KDTree<ObjectType extends defined> {
public insert(position: Vector3, data: ObjectType) {
if (!this.root) this.root = new KDNode(position, data);
else this.root.insert(position, data, 0);
public getNearest(position: Vector3, maxDistance: number): KDNode<ObjectType> | undefined {
if (!this.root) return undefined;
let bestNode: KDNode<ObjectType> | undefined = undefined;
let bestDistance = math.huge;
function search(node: KDNode<ObjectType> | undefined, depth: number) {
if (!node) return;
const distance = position.sub(node.position).Magnitude * 2;
if (distance < bestDistance) {
bestDistance = distance;
bestNode = node;
const axis = axisIndexToVector3Property(depth % 3);
const axisDistance = position[axis] - node.position[axis];
if (axisDistance < 0) {
search(node.left, depth + 1);
if (axisDistance * axisDistance < bestDistance) search(node.right, depth + 1);
} else {
search(node.right, depth + 1);
if (axisDistance * axisDistance < bestDistance) search(node.left, depth + 1);
search(this.root, 0);
if (bestDistance > maxDistance * maxDistance) return undefined;
return bestNode;
public getNearestObject(position: Vector3, maxDistance: number): ObjectType | undefined {
return this.getNearest(position, maxDistance)?.object;
public destroy() {
setmetatable(this, undefined!);
private root?: KDNode<ObjectType>;
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