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Created March 25, 2011 17:01
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Python command line CSV browser
Acts as a command line csv browser, allows you to view only a select set of columns
and open from a particular line
Usage: -f <csvfile> -H
displays a listing of the headers of the file -f <csvfile> -c 1,2
starts by displaying the values of columns 1 and 2 at line 1 (skips header) -f <csvfile> -c 1,2 -i
same as prev, except contents are displayed comma separated and inline -f <csvfile> -c 1,2 -s 10
same as example 2, but starts at the 10th line of the file
import csv, sys
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-c", "--columns",
action="store", dest="columns",
help="comma separated set of columns to display")
parser.add_option("-i", "--inline", action="store_true", dest="inline",
default=False, help="display each on a separate line")
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", action="store", dest="file",
help="the file to parse")
parser.add_option("-n", "--noheaders", action="store_false",
default=True, help="skip the first line of the file")
parser.add_option("-H", "--headerlisting", action="store_true",
default=False, dest="headerlisting", help="display a list of headers")
parser.add_option("-s", "--start", action="store", dest="startline",
default="0", help="set what line to start printing from" )
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.columns is not None:
cols = options.columns.split(',')
cols = []
# Open the CSV file
csvobj = csv.reader(open(options.file,'rb'),delimiter=',',quotechar='"')
# Headerlisting option shows the set of available column headers
if options.headerlisting:
print "Headers for %s" % options.file
index = 0
for row in csvobj:
for header in row:
print "[%i] %s" % (index,header)
index = index + 1
print "\n"
count = -1
# loop through the csv rows
for row in csvobj:
count = count + 1
out = "[%i]" % count
# Skips the first line if noheaders is set
if options.noheaders and not count: continue
# Skips all lines before the supplied startline
if count < int(options.startline): continue
# Print all the specified columns (either one per line or inline)
for col in cols:
if not options.inline:
print row[int(col)]
out = "%s, %s" % (out,row[int(col)])
if options.inline: print out
input = raw_input("\nLine %i - [enter] or [q]: " % count)
print "\n"
if input == 'q': break
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