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Last active June 23, 2020 12:23
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Examples from the OSIsoft sponsor talk, Hardcore Windows Hardening, at S4x18.
This gist contains examples from the S4x18 sponsor talk, Hardcore Windows Hardening.
# Simple DSC example to ensure SMBv1 is disabled
Configuration SMBv1Example {
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Node $ComputerName {
WindowsFeature SMBv1_Disable {
Ensure = "Absent"
Name = "FS-SMB1"
# Install BaselineManagement module and convert MS recommended baseline.
# Ref: BaselineManagement repo on GitHub (
# Ref: Security Baselines for Windows, MS Security Guidance Blog (
# A few modules are required
$RequiredModules = @('AuditPolicyDSC','SecurityPolicyDSC','BaselineManagement')
# NuGet required to retrieve resources
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet
# PSGallery needs to be trusted
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
# Pull in required modules
Find-Module $RequiredModules | Install-Module
# Import the new BaselineManagement module
Import-Module BaselineManagement
# Feed it your favorite GPO
ConvertFrom-GPO -OutputConfigurationScript `
-OutputPath '.\' `
-Path '.\GPOs\{088E04EC-440C-48CB-A8D7-A89D0162FBFB}'
# Device Guard overview
# Ref: Overview of Device Guard in Windows Server 2016, TechNet Blog (
# Ref: Enable Virtualization-based protection of code integrity, MS Docs (
# Enable Device Guard
$DGRegKey = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard"
reg add $DGRegKey /v "EnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add $DGRegKey /v "RequirePlatformSecurityFeatures" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add $DGRegKey /v "Locked" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
reg add "$DGRegKey\Scenarios\HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity" /v "Enabled" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add "$DGRegKey\Scenarios\HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity" /v "Locked" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
# Create and deploy policy
# Set paths
$policyConfig = $($env:userprofile + '\Documents\Publisher.xml')
$policyBin = $($env:userprofile + '\Documents\Publisher.bin')
$policyP7B = $($env:WinDir + '\System32\CodeIntegrity\SiPolicy.p7b')
# Create policy (audit by default)
New-CIPolicy -Level FilePublisher -Fallback Hash -UserPEs -FilePath $policyConfig
# Alter policy to enforce
Set-RuleOption -FilePath $policyConfig -Option 3 -delete
# Convert to BIN
ConvertFrom-CIPolicy $policyConfig $policyBin
# Deploy policy
Copy-Item $policyBin $policyP7B -Verbose
# Get audit events
Get-WinEvent -ProviderName 'Microsoft-Windows-CodeIntegrity' `
| Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 3077 } `
| Format-List
# Get Status with msinfo32 or Get-CimInstance below
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DeviceGuard -Namespace root\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceGuard
# Get all processes running unsigned code.
# Ref: Lee Holmes tweet (
Get-Process | Get-Item -ErrorAction Ignore `
| Get-AuthenticodeSignature `
| Group {$_.SignerCertificate.Subject } `
| Select Count,Name
# Extract signers from CIPolicy
$policyConfig = "$env:userprofile\Documents\PublisherRules.xml"
[xml]$PolicyContents = Get-Content $policyConfig
$PolicyContents.SiPolicy.Signers.Signer `
| Select Name, @{
} -Unique
# Extract hashed files
$policyConfig = "$env:userprofile\Documents\PublisherRules.xml"
[xml]$PolicyContents = Get-Content $policyConfig
$PolicyContents.SiPolicy.FileRules.Allow `
| Select FriendlyName, Hash
' SLIDE 22: VB script for WSH for PINetMgr
' MSDN has documented examples
' Ref: Restricting Service, WFAS on MSDN (
option explicit
' IP protocol
' Action
' Direction
const NET_FW_RULE_DIR_IN = 1
' Create the FwPolicy2 object.
Dim fwPolicy2
Set fwPolicy2 = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwPolicy2")
' Get the Service Restriction object for the local firewall policy.
Dim ServiceRestriction
Set ServiceRestriction = fwPolicy2.ServiceRestriction
' Put in block-all inbound and block-all outbound Windows Service Hardening (WSH) networking rules for the service
ServiceRestriction.RestrictService "PINetMgr", "%piserver%\bin\pinetmgr.exe", TRUE, FALSE
' Get the collection of Windows Service Hardening networking rules
Dim wshRules
Set wshRules = ServiceRestriction.Rules
' Add inbound WSH allow rule for service PINetMgr
Dim NewInboundRule
Set NewInboundRule = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FWRule")
NewInboundRule.Name = "Allow only TCP 5450 inbound to service"
NewInboundRule.ApplicationName = "%piserver%bin\pinetmgr.exe"
NewInboundRule.ServiceName = "PINetMgr"
NewInboundRule.Protocol = NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP
NewInboundRule.LocalPorts = 5450
NewInboundRule.Action = NET_FW_ACTION_ALLOW
NewInboundRule.Direction = NET_FW_RULE_DIR_IN
NewInboundRule.Enabled = true
' Add the inbound allow rule
wshRules.Add NewInboundRule
' Add outbound WSH allow rules for PINetMgr
Dim NewOutboundRule
Set NewOutboundRule = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FWRule")
NewOutboundRule.Name = "Allow outbound traffic from service"
NewOutboundRule.ApplicationName = "%piserver%bin\pinetmgr.exe"
NewOutboundRule.ServiceName = "PINetMgr"
NewOutboundRule.Protocol = NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP
NewOutboundRule.RemotePorts = "49152-65535"
NewOutboundRule.Action = NET_FW_ACTION_ALLOW
NewOutboundRule.Direction = NET_FW_RULE_DIR_OUT
NewOutboundRule.Enabled = true
' Add the outbound allow rule
wshRules.Add NewOutboundRule
# PS script for WSH
$Program = "%piserver%bin\pinetmgr.exe"
$Service = "PINetMgr"
$LocalPort = "5450"
$RemotePort = "49152-65535"
$Protocol = "TCP"
$WSHRules = @(
Name = "Inbound service restriction rule for $Service"
Action = "Block"
Direction = "Inbound"
Name = "Outbound service restriction rule for $Service"
Action = "Block"
Direction = "Outbound"
Name = "Allow only TCP $LocalPort inbound to $Service"
Action = "Allow"
Direction = "Inbound"
Protocol = $Protocol
LocalPort = $LocalPort
Name = "Allow only TCP $RemotePort outbound from $Service"
Action = "Allow"
Direction = "Outbound"
Protocol = $Protocol
RemotePort = $RemotePort
# Loop through the rules and apply.
foreach($Rule in $WSHRules)
# Include the proper scope on each rule
$Rule += @{
DisplayName = $Rule.Name
Program = $Program
Service = $Service
Enabled = "TRUE"
PolicyStore = "ConfigurableServiceStore"
New-NetFirewallRule @Rule
Configuration ServiceHardening
$LocalPort = "5450",
$RemotePort = "49152-65535",
$Protocol = "TCP"
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Node $ComputerName
"TCP" {$ProtocolID = "6"}
"UDP" {$ProtocolID = "17"}
$ConfigurableServiceStore = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\RestrictedServices\Configurable\System"
$Version = "v2.26"
$AllowInRuleName = "Allow only $Protocol $LocalPort inbound to $Service"
Registry $AllowInRuleName
Ensure = 'Present'
Key = $ConfigurableServiceStore
ValueData = "$Version|Action=Allow|Active=TRUE|Dir=In|" + `
"Protocol=$ProtocolID|" + `
"LPort=$LocalPort|" + `
"App=$Program|" + `
"Svc=$Service|" + `
ValueName = $AllowInRuleName
ValueType = 'String'
$AllowOutRuleName = "Allow only $Protocol $LocalPort outbound from $Service"
Registry $AllowOutRuleName
Ensure = 'Present'
Key = $ConfigurableServiceStore
ValueData = "$Version|Action=Allow|Active=TRUE|Dir=Out|" + `
"Protocol=$ProtocolID|" + `
"RPort2_10=$RemotePort|" + `
"App=$Program|" + `
"Svc=$Service|" + `
ValueName = $AllowOutRuleName
ValueType = 'String'
$RestrictInRuleName = "Inbound service restriction rule for $Service"
Registry $RestrictInRuleName
Ensure = 'Present'
Key = $ConfigurableServiceStore
ValueData = "$Version|Action=Block|Active=TRUE|Dir=In|" + `
"App=$Program|" + `
"Svc=$Service|" + `
ValueName = $RestrictInRuleName
ValueType = 'String'
$RestrictOutRuleName = "Outbound service restriction rule for $Service"
Registry $RestrictOutRuleName
Ensure = 'Present'
Key = $ConfigurableServiceStore
ValueData = "$Version|Action=Block|Active=TRUE|Dir=Out|" + `
"App=$Program|" + `
"Svc=$Service|" + `
ValueName = $RestrictOutRuleName
ValueType = 'String'
# Just In Time access with PowerShell
# Ref: Ian Far, "Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog" (
Set-ADUserJitAdmin -UserOn "CN=Example User,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com" `
-Domain "" `
-PrivGroup "Domain Admins" `
-TtlHours 10 `
REM Setting up Sysmon
sysmon -i -accepteula
sysmon -c YourAwesomeConfig.xml
wevutil sl Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational /ms:20971520
# Permalinks to nteresting Sysmon rules written by experts
Detect when file creation time changes *retroactively* in user files
Registry modification events rules that take a lot of care to remove noise.
Suspicious processes and locations for connections to originate.
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