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Created June 12, 2011 19:44
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Test for a popunder working in ff 3-14, chrome 10-21, ie6-9
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta content="Hans-Peter Buniat" name="author">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Form-Submit Popunder</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<form id="testSubmit" action="">
<input type="submit" />
<script type="text/javascript">
/* use jQuery as container for more convenience */
(function($) {
* Create a popunder
* @param sUrl Url to open as popunder
* @return jQuery
$.popunder = function(sUrl) {
var bSimple = $.browser.msie,
run = function() {
$, bSimple);
(bSimple) ? run() : window.setTimeout(run, 1);
return $;
/* several helper functions */
$.popunderHelper = {
* Helper to create a (optionally) random value with prefix
* @param string name
* @param boolean rand
* @return string
rand: function(name, rand) {
var p = (name) ? name : 'pu_';
return p + (rand === false ? '' : Math.floor(89999999*Math.random()+10000000));
* Open the popunder
* @param string sUrl The URL to open
* @param boolean bSimple Use the simple popunder
* @return boolean
open: function(sUrl, bSimple) {
var _parent = self,
sToolbar = (!$.browser.webkit && (!$.browser.mozilla || parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 12)) ? 'yes' : 'no',
if (top != self) {
try {
if (top.document.location.toString()) {
_parent = top;
catch(err) { }
/* popunder options */
sOptions = 'toolbar=' + sToolbar + ',scrollbars=yes,location=yes,statusbar=yes,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=' + (screen.availWidth - 10).toString();
sOptions += ',height=' + (screen.availHeight - 122).toString() + ',screenX=0,screenY=0,left=0,top=0';
/* create pop-up from parent context */
popunder =, $.popunderHelper.rand(), sOptions);
if (popunder) {
if (bSimple) {
/* classic popunder, used for ie*/
try { opener.window.focus(); }
catch (err) { }
else {
/* popunder for e.g. ff4+, chrome */
popunder.init = function(e) {
with (e) {
(function() {
if (typeof window.mozPaintCount != 'undefined' || typeof navigator.webkitGetUserMedia === "function") {
var x ='about:blank');
try { opener.window.focus(); }
catch (err) { }
popunder.params = {
url: sUrl
return true;
$('#testSubmit').submit(function() {
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1b4ugo commented Apr 16, 2012

Great script. Was wondering how to activate the popunder on a valid form submit. This code works regardless if a form field is empty or not. I would like values entered into a form field, then submit then the popunder happens. Any ideas?

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Hi, you could validate the form via ajax (onchange, onsubmit, ..) and use the return value to decide, if the form should be submitted (or the popunder triggered) or not.

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Just updated to Firefox 12 and looks like this doesn't work any more :-(

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hpbuniat commented May 5, 2012

Right, it seems like ff12 doesn't like the toolbar anymore - i've disabled it. The latest update also got some performance improvements, as the popunder are now triggered in the background.

Feel free, to take a look at the version with cookie support (, which can block a popunder for a certain time.

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Your latest change seems to have broken your script. db50d4 through 29821e work for me, but 2cbd27 does not.

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Thanks @kylecronin for the hint. There was a misplaced parenthesis, which is now fixed.

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pareen commented Jun 14, 2012

This works fine. Just doesnt handle browser sessions. It would be great to load it only once in one session.

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pareen commented Jun 15, 2012

This is working fine. unable to handle browser session. Can you help me out in loading once per browser session.

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You should take a look at: When setting a cookie without expiresAt, it will be removed at the end of the browser-session.

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pareen commented Jun 15, 2012

Hi hpbuniat,

That code has a cookie timer. What do I set to disable:
$.cookies.set(name, cookie, {
expiresAt: new Date((new Date()).getTime() + blockTime * 3600000)

I removed 3600000 and blockTime, but that is not what I was supposed to do I guess. I am not good with Javascript.

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created a branch with size options, trying to find a way to do a pull request

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Philas commented Jul 26, 2012

Is it possible to make popunder windows "self close"?

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If is self close and is pop under why you opened it in the first place_

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That's fraud, but if is about cookie you can use an iframe on the actual page and is easier.
Anyway, do a timeout that close the window. The main problem is that you can't open the window without a user click action (iframe has no problem about that).
Also, if you want to do that randomize the window size and the seconds before close, if everyone from your website has the same window size or stay for the same time it will seems strange.

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That's fraud, but if is about cookie you can use an iframe on the actual page and is easier.
Anyway, do a timeout that close the window. The main problem is that you can't open the window without a user click action (iframe has no problem about that).
Also, if you want to do that randomize the window size and the seconds before close, if everyone from your website has the same window size or stay for the same time it will seems strange.

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titiomm commented Jul 30, 2012

Great script thank you it helped me a lot :)

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hpbuniat commented Aug 6, 2012

Thanks @shapeshifta78 for the chrome21 compatibly-patch

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rclai commented Aug 10, 2012

Thanks so much, I panicked when I saw that the pop under script wasn't working any longer on the new Chrome update, but you've pwnt it again! Great Job!

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rclai commented Aug 10, 2012

The reason that it stopped working on the new Chrome was that it no longer had variable for


So now they have



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w3aran commented Sep 4, 2012

Great work. But it displays as Popup instead of Pop-under in Firefox 15.0 on Mac OS. Any fixes?

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I love the script, works perfectly on its own, but when trying to integrate it to my script nothing happens.
This is my script:

: ( bytes)  
Song Artist:
Song Title:
Song Album: ()
<script type='text/javascript' src='/player/swfobject.js'></script>
This text will be replaced
<script type='text/javascript'> var so = new SWFObject('/player/player.swf','mpl','420','24','9'); so.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); so.addParam('wmode','opaque'); so.addVariable('duration',''); so.addVariable('file',''); so.addVariable('autostart','true'); so.write('mp3player'); </script>
Video info:, kbps, x, fps
Audio info: , kbps , Hz

<TMPL_IF rar_nfo>

<TMPL_IF image_url>

<TMPL_VAR file_name>

<TMPL_IF video_code>


<TMPL_IF msg>

<TMPL_VAR msg>

<TMPL_UNLESS no_link>

<TMPL_IF pass_required>
<TMPL_VAR lang_password>:

<TMPL_IF captcha_on>


<TMPL_IF countdown>

<TMPL_VAR lang_wait> <TMPL_VAR countdown> <TMPL_VAR lang_seconds>

<TMPL_IF direct_links>




<textarea id="ic0-" style="width:98%;" cols=24 rows=3 onFocus="copy(this);"></textarea>

<TMPL_IF thumb_url>

<textarea id="ic1-" style="width:98%;" cols=24 rows=3 onFocus="copy(this);">[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]</textarea>

<textarea id="ic2-" style="width:98%;" cols=24 rows=3 onFocus="copy(this);"></textarea>

<textarea id="ic1-" style="width:98%;" cols=24 rows=3 onFocus="copy(this);">[URL=] - [/URL]</textarea>

<textarea id="ic2-" style="width:98%;" wrap=hard cols=24 rows=3 onFocus="copy(this);"> - </textarea>

<textarea id="ic4-" style="width:98%;" cols=24 rows=3 onFocus="copy(this);"><IFRAME SRC="/embed--x.html" FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=NO WIDTH= HEIGHT=></IFRAME></textarea>


<textarea id="ic5-" style="width:98%;" cols=24 rows=3 onFocus="copy(this);"> </textarea>

<textarea id="ic4-" style="width:98%;" cols=24 rows=3 onFocus="copy(this);"> </textarea>
No such file No such user exist File not found
<Script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> function countDown() { num = parseInt( $$('').innerHTML )-1; if(num<=0) { $$('btn_download').disabled=false; $$('countdown_str').style.display='none'; } else { $$('').innerHTML = num; setTimeout("countDown()",1000); } } if($$('btn_download')) { $$('btn_download').disabled=true; setTimeout("countDown()",1000); } function checkForm(f1) { if(f1.cmt_name && f1.cmt_name.value==''){alert("");return false;} if(f1.cmt_email && f1.cmt_email.value==''){alert("");return false;} if(f1.cmt_text.value.length<5){alert("");return false;} return true; } function copy(obj) { obj.focus();; } document.write('<style type="text/css">.tabber{display:none;}<\/style>'); var tab_cookie='tab_down'; </Script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/tabber.js"></script>

<TMPL_IF enable_file_comments>

<TMPL_INCLUDE comments.html>

<TMPL_IF more_files>

What i am trying to do is when a user click the "Request Download or Streaming Ticket" button, it would trigger the popunder.

Can you help ?

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In the current version of Google Chrome (21.0.1180.89) if the tab the pop under is originating from is not the last tab then the focus jumps to the next tab along. I think this is because in Chrome when you close a tab that has focus then the focus jumps to the next tab after the one that is being closed. I'm not sure if this issue existed in previous versions of Chrome.

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Chrome 22 not working: popunder become pop up

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msams commented Oct 16, 2012

Chrome 22: the popunder works the first time then it's always a pop up. Anyone else notice the same thing and is there any work around?

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msams commented Oct 16, 2012

Sorry looks like its one of my extensions that causing it to popup. Works fine on other Chrome 22 installations.

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For me, on Chrome 22 it also opens as a popup instead of popunder. :/
It was working on previous Chrome versions though.

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I'm not longer updating the gist, because i created a repo for this:

This version works on most chrome 22 installations, but it's not perfect yet. I'm still tinkering ;)

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Ragunath commented Feb 1, 2013


I am developer, I have used your script for popunder, I have called the pop under function in the <a> tag
( <a href="xxx.aspx" onclick="openpopunder()" >popunder</a> ) it works fine, But i have changed the

function openpopunder() {
window.location.href = "xxxxx.aspx";

( <a href="xxx.aspx" onclick="openpopunder()" >popunder</a> )
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnklogo" runat="server" OnClick="lnklogo_Click"><img src="./Images/xxxxxxx.png" alt=" Logo" /></asp:LinkButton>

called the popup script in the code behind after saving my form values in Sessions
protected void lnklogo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["formvalue"] = ObjFormvalue;
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "MyScript", "openpopunder()", true);
Now, This Scripts opens Pop UP Instead of Pop UNDER...

Any Idea? Please reply


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i want to load this script, when my mouse hover on the browser window. can anyone help me.

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