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Last active May 30, 2023 18:57
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public static byte[] readRecord(int recordNum, int sfi) {
//Valid Record numbers: 1 to 255
//Valid SFI: 1 to 30
//SFI=0 : Currently selected EF
if (recordNum < 1 || recordNum > 255) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'recordNum' must be in the rage 1 to 255. recordNum=" + recordNum);
if (sfi < 0 || sfi > 30) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'sfi' must be in the rage 1 to 30. Use 0 for currently selected EF. sfi=" + sfi);
byte P1 = (byte) recordNum;
//00010100 = P2
//00010 = SFI (= 2 << 3)
// 100 = "Record number can be found in P1" (=4)
byte P2 = (byte) ((sfi << 3) | 4);
Log.debug("Iso7816Commands.readRecord() P1=" + P1 + " P2=" + P2);
byte[] cmd = new byte[5];
//00 = No secure messaging
cmd[0] = 0x00;
cmd[1] = 0xb2;
//P1 = Record number or record identifier of the first record to be read ('00' indicates the current record)
cmd[2] = P1;
//P2 = SFI + 4 (Indicates that the record number can be found in P1)
cmd[3] = P2;
cmd[4] = 0x00;
return cmd;
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