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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save hpmmatuska/bd520ddb88f1c011e6b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hpmmatuska/bd520ddb88f1c011e6b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Will create sample connection to remote machine on specified port (as classic telnet client)
Function Test-Port {
Do a test for open ports against remote machine
Will create sample connection to remote machine on specified port (as classic telnet client)
.Parameter Computername
The name of the computer to query. The Input can be piped, it is default 1st parameter
.Parameter Port
The range of ports to query. It is default 2nd parameter
.Parameter TCPTimeout
Timeout for test connection. Default Value is 100 miliseconds
.Parameter Async
Default is synchron test for input port range. When you specify more than 400 ports, the Async parameter is
set automatically.
PS C:\> test-port pc01 80
Computername Port IsOpen Notes
------------ ---- ------ -----
pc01 80 False Timeout occurred connecting to port
Test PC01 if listen on port 80.
PS C:\> test-port pc01 | ?{$_.IsOpen}
Computername Port IsOpen Notes
------------ ---- ------ -----
pc01 135 True
pc01 139 True
pc01 445 True
pc01 5555 True
Test PC01 for all open ports.
Last Updated: May 19, 2015
Version : 1.0
[int[]]$Port = (1..65535),
[int]$TCPTimeout = 100, #in miliseconds
[switch]$Async = $false
Begin {
if ($port.count > 400){$async = $true}
Function Test-PortSynchronly {Param($ComputerName, $Port)
$TCPClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient
$AsyncResult = $TCPClient.BeginConnect($Computername,$Port,$null,$null)
$Wait = $AsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($TCPtimeout)
If ($Wait) {
Try {$Null = $TCPClient.EndConnect($AsyncResult)}
Catch {$Issue = $_.Exception.Message}
Finally {
Computername = $Computername
Port = $Item
IsOpen = $TCPClient.Connected
Notes = $Issue
} Else {
Computername = $Computername
Port = $Item
IsOpen = $TCPClient.Connected
Notes = 'Timeout occurred connecting to port'
Workflow Test-PortAsynchronly {Param($ComputerName, [int[]]$Port)
ForEach -parallel ($Item in $Port) {
InlineScript {
$TCPClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient
$Task = $TCPClient.ConnectAsync($Using:Computername,$Using:Item)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $TCPTimeout
# while ($task.IsCompleted){Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100}
Computername = $Using:Computername
Port = $using:Item
IsOpen = $TCPClient.Connected #not working properly
#IsOpen = !$task.IsFaulted #not working properly
Notes = $Task.Exception.InnerException
$Issue = $Null
if ($task.IsCompleted -or $Task.IsCanceled -or $Task.IsFaulted) {$TCPClient.Dispose()}
} # foreach port
Process {
Try {$null = test-connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Count 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $ping=$null}
Catch {$ping = $_.Exception.Message}
if (!$ping) {
if (!$async) {
ForEach ($Item in $Port) {
Test-PortSynchronly -Computername $ComputerName -port $Item
} # foreach port
} #sync test
else {
$CurrentPath = Get-Location # to achieve no problems when workflow is called from custom mapped PSDrive
Set-Location $env:SystemRoot # cange location before workflow
Test-PortAsynchronly -ComputerName $ComputerName -Port $Port |
sort -Property Port |
ft ComputerName, Port, IsOpen, Notes -AutoSize
Set-Location $CurrentPath #return location to original path
} # async test
} # if ping OK
else {
Computername = $Computername
Port = '*'
IsOpen = $TCPClient.Connected
Notes = $ping
} # if no ping
End {}
} # End function test-port
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