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Last active April 8, 2019 17:56
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Cascadia.jl working webscraping example
using Cascadia
using Gumbo
using HTTP
# using Requests (deprecated)
r = HTTP.get("")
h = parsehtml(String(r.body))
qs = eachmatch(Selector(".question-summary"), h.root)
println("StackOverflow Julia Questions (votes answered? url)")
for q in qs
votes = nodeText(eachmatch(Selector(".votes .vote-count-post "), q)[1])
answered = length(eachmatch(Selector(".status.answered"), q)) > 0
href = eachmatch(Selector(".question-hyperlink"), q)[1].attributes["href"]
println("$votes $answered$href")
using JSON
JSON.json(qs) # returns StackOverflowError
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