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Last active May 26, 2018 01:11
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Coursera ML week 3 - assignment 2 v0.3 - implementing Logit model on two datasets
# Logit mode, v0.3
using CSV, Plots; pyplot();
data ="/Users/kevinliu/Documents/machine-learning-ex2/ex2/ex2data1.txt", datarow=1)
X = hcat(ones(100,1), Matrix(data[:, [1,2]]))
y = Vector(data[:, 3])
# Sigmoid function
function sigmoid(z)
1.0 ./ (1.0 .+ exp.(-z))
sigmoid(0) # => 0.5
z = rand(3,1); sigmoid(z) # vector
z = rand(3,3); sigmoid(z) # matrix
# Hypothesis: linearly combines X[i] and θ[i], to calculate all instances of cost()
function h(θ, X)
z = 0
for i in 1:length(θ)
z += θ[i] .* X[i, :]
h([-24, 0.2, 0.2], X)
# Vectorized cost function
function cost(θ, X, y)
hx = sigmoid(X * θ)
m = length(y)
J = (-y' * log.(hx) - (1 - y') * log.(1 - hx)) / m
grad = X' * (hx - y) / m
println("Cost is $J")
println("Gradient is $grad")
cost([-24, 0.2, 0.2], X, y)
# will stop maintaining here, too many manual updates
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