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Last active August 12, 2020 19:54
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System Design questions test the candidate's ability to be able to create a system based on a user prompt. A user prompt is either a client telling you what they want or a team making an assumption of what a potential user might want in an idea. What makes this different from an OOP Design question is that this focuses less on the application components themselves and more of the flow of data and how we scale that data based on our understanding of the various trade offs as we modify our system.

Design Fandango II: Scaling

User prompt: I want to be able to book movie theater seats online.

Today, we are going to focus on scaling Fandango.

Draw a data flow diagram from client to server to database that encompasses caching, load balancing, sockets and microservices. The scenarios/case studies that we need to address are as follows:

  1. Our server is being hit with multiple requests at once from many different clients and the server can barely handle it anymore.
  2. We have a feature which shows the most popular new releases but the query is really slow.
  3. The ticket booking service needs real time updates. If a user wanted to book a seat for Avengers: Endgame, then that seat should be shown as unavailable to other users immediately.
  4. Our application is a monolith. If we make changes to a specific part of our application, we need to redeploy the entire thing.

Example diagram of app before optimization (you need to scale this)

Interviewer Guide

Before addressing scaling, we should encourage the candidate to draw the layers of a web application as they have already been taught in the context of Fandango.

You should try to guide them by using the case studies below as launch off points. This keeps the question from being way too open ended.

The candidates should be encouraged to discuss why the starting diagram is not scalable. A node process can only do some much on its own. They should be able to discuss how a load balancer or cache would fit into Fandango here.

Case Study 1: Our server is being hit with multiple requests at once from many different clients and the server can barely handle it anymore

This would be a nice use case of a load balancer.

A loader balancer shares the love of traffic/requests across a cluster of servers. Load balancers keep track of the status of our resources by performing regular health checks on our servers. This is also known as horizontal scaling where we add more servers to help us scale. Think of it like adding more buildings to a neighborhood (horizontal) vs. Adding more floor to a building (vertical).

They should also discuss some possible issues that may pop up using this type of architecture.

What if we were storing our sessions in the node process? A possible solution is something called "sticky sessions" where we configure our Load Balancer to send user session to the same machine that the request is being sent to.

Case Study 2: We have a feature which shows the most popular new releases but the query is really slow

The goal for this case study is to try to get them to think about caching. Caching comes in many different forms. They might say, they can cache the query itself in some sort of object on the server. This is a completely viable solution. However, the data might become stale.

Lead them to thinking about Redis. Redis is a key-value store that functions as both a cache and a messaging system using the pub/sub pattern. The pub/sub pattern is like your everyday event listener where some system "publishes" changes and the "subscribers" to that system receive the changes. Bonus point if they mention storted sorts in Redis. Members inside a sorted set is associated with a score that is ordered from smallest to greatest score.

Case Study 3: The ticket booking service needs real time updates. If a user wanted to book a seat for Avengers: Endgame, then that seat should be shown as unavailable to other users immediately

This is an excellent use case for sockets. However, there might be a problem with this if they weren't using Redis. The problem is that the servers keep track of sockets but we are load balanced. We have to make sure that all the sockets on all the servers get notified. This is where the Redis pub/sub pattern comes into play from above. Diagram doesn't change. Each server will just have sockets with it.

Case Study 4: Our application is a monolith. If we make changes to a specific part of our application, we need to redeploy the entire thing

The solution to this would be microservices. Microservices are their own environments of codebases, deployment strategies, servers, etc. They are usually used to separate tightly coupled functionality or separate different business use cases into their own services

(Ex: Uber Taxi and Uber Eats could be two different microservices). They should be able to identify what would be a feature on Fandango that would be appropriate to split into microservices.

The Booking Service would be a good candidate to split into microservices. In addition, they should be able to note how the services would work individually as well as how they would interact with each other.


  • Activity Diagram or Step By Step Process
  • Data flow without the items in the previous case studies

An important discussion to have is how do these services communicate with each other? There are many ways in which we know such as our typical REST API but we can also stick to Redis.


Case Study 1 Solution

Case Study 2 Solution

Case Study 3 Solution

Use sockets. Same as above but not using sockets. If there is a load balancer, think about how the sockets need to connect and message everyone.

Case Study 4 Solution

Use microservices. Microservice architecture takes a monolithic program and breaks it into pseudo-independent applications which are independently running (running as seperate processes) but are working on the same dataset. This allows more parallel work to be done smoothly, while still maintaining the order of operations in requests and data management.

Sample Seat Waiting Service

  • Keep the reservation on something like Redis for about 5 minutes
    • Could use expire command in Redis
  • Could update Booking table in DB with expiry time and status would be set to “On Hold”
  • If 5 minutes passes, the hold is released
    • Notify current user
    • Send update to Seat Waiting Service
  • If seats are purchased, update status in DB to “Booked”
    • Send update to Seat Waiting Service

Sample Active Reservation Service

  • Queue of waiting users for seats
    • First come; first serve
    • Users can add themselves to queue of waiting list on a possible seat or the booking in general
  • Relating back to Active Reservation Service:
    • If timer for Active Reservation Service runs out, the person first on queue will be notified
    • If seat (or entire booking) is booked, notify everyone on the queue

Sample Activity Diagram

Note: This could be done without using the technology and could just function as a decision tree only

Sample Data Flow Diagram

The reason that the microservices don't have their own databases is that they depend on the same data.

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