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Created May 28, 2024 08:43
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change to have multistrip should work for one or more
if (fixture.doAllocPins) {
unsigned pinNr = 0;
int pins[16];
int lengths[16];
int nb_pins=0;
for (PinObject &pinObject: pins->pinObjects) {
if (pins->isOwner(pinNr, "Leds")) { //if pin owned by leds, (assigned in projectAndMap)
//dirty trick to decode nrOfLedsPerPin
char details[32];
strcpy(details, pinObject.details); //copy as strtok messes with the string
char * after = strtok((char *)details, "-");
if (after != NULL ) {
char * before;
before = after;
after = strtok(NULL, " ");
stackUnsigned16 startLed = atoi(before);
stackUnsigned16 nrOfLeds = atoi(after) - atoi(before) + 1;
ppf("driver.initled new %d: %d-%d\n", pinNr, startLed, nrOfLeds-1);
} //if led range in details (- in details e.g. 0-1023)
} //if pin owned by leds
} // for pins
driver.initled((uint8_t*) fixture.ledsP, pins, lengths, nb_pins, ORDER_GRB);
driverInit = true;
fixture.doAllocPins = false;
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