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Last active March 21, 2024 17:25
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Convert xgboost model to TMVA xml format. Not fully tested...
import re
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
regex_float_pattern = r'[-+]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?'
def build_tree(xgtree, base_xml_element, var_indices):
parent_element_dict = {'0':base_xml_element}
pos_dict = {'0':'s'}
for line in xgtree.split('\n'):
if not line: continue
if ':leaf=' in line:
#leaf node
result = re.match(r'(\t*)(\d+):leaf=({0})$'.format(regex_float_pattern), line)
if not result:
print line
depth ='\t')
inode =
res =
node_elementTree = ET.SubElement(parent_element_dict[inode], "Node", pos=str(pos_dict[inode]),
depth=str(depth), NCoef="0", IVar="-1", Cut="0.0e+00", cType="1", res=str(res), rms="0.0e+00", purity="0.0e+00", nType="-99")
#\t\t3:[var_topcand_mass<138.19] yes=7,no=8,missing=7
result = re.match(r'(\t*)([0-9]+):\[(?P<var>.+)<(?P<cut>{0})\]\syes=(?P<yes>\d+),no=(?P<no>\d+)'.format(regex_float_pattern),line)
if not result:
print line
depth ='\t')
inode =
var ='var')
cut ='cut')
lnode ='yes')
rnode ='no')
pos_dict[lnode] = 'l'
pos_dict[rnode] = 'r'
node_elementTree = ET.SubElement(parent_element_dict[inode], "Node", pos=str(pos_dict[inode]),
depth=str(depth), NCoef="0", IVar=str(var_indices[var]), Cut=str(cut),
cType="1", res="0.0e+00", rms="0.0e+00", purity="0.0e+00", nType="0")
parent_element_dict[lnode] = node_elementTree
parent_element_dict[rnode] = node_elementTree
def convert_model(model, input_variables, output_xml):
NTrees = len(model)
var_list = input_variables
var_indices = {}
# <MethodSetup>
MethodSetup = ET.Element("MethodSetup", Method="BDT::BDT")
# <Variables>
Variables = ET.SubElement(MethodSetup, "Variables", NVar=str(len(var_list)))
for ind, val in enumerate(var_list):
name = val[0]
var_type = val[1]
var_indices[name] = ind
Variable = ET.SubElement(Variables, "Variable", VarIndex=str(ind), Type=val[1],
Expression=name, Label=name, Title=name, Unit="", Internal=name,
Min="0.0e+00", Max="0.0e+00")
# <GeneralInfo>
GeneralInfo = ET.SubElement(MethodSetup, "GeneralInfo")
Info_Creator = ET.SubElement(GeneralInfo, "Info", name="Creator", value="xgboost2TMVA")
Info_AnalysisType = ET.SubElement(GeneralInfo, "Info", name="AnalysisType", value="Classification")
# <Options>
Options = ET.SubElement(MethodSetup, "Options")
Option_NodePurityLimit = ET.SubElement(Options, "Option", name="NodePurityLimit", modified="No").text = "5.00e-01"
Option_BoostType = ET.SubElement(Options, "Option", name="BoostType", modified="Yes").text = "Grad"
# <Weights>
Weights = ET.SubElement(MethodSetup, "Weights", NTrees=str(NTrees), AnalysisType="1")
for itree in range(NTrees):
BinaryTree = ET.SubElement(Weights, "BinaryTree", type="DecisionTree", boostWeight="1.0e+00", itree=str(itree))
build_tree(model[itree], BinaryTree, var_indices)
tree = ET.ElementTree(MethodSetup)
# format it with 'xmllint --format'
# example
# bst = xgb.train( param, d_train, num_round, watchlist );
# model = bst.get_dump()
# convert_model(model,input_variables=[('var1','F'),('var2','I')],output_xml='xgboost.xml')
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lgray commented Jun 24, 2021

@hqucms After talking a bit with @guitargeek this now exists!

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hqucms commented Jun 24, 2021

@lgray Nice! Thank you for letting me know:)

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Do you know why the output XML does not have the right indentation? I only see one line in the output

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Nevermind, I think it would work with:

import xml.dom.minidom

    tree     = ET.ElementTree(MethodSetup)
    tmp_path = f'/tmp/{hash}.xml'

    with open(tmp_path) as ifile:
        xml_data =

    parser     = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_data)
    xml_pretty = parser.toprettyxml()

    with open(output_xml, 'w') as ofile:

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hqucms commented Mar 21, 2024

Do you know why the output XML does not have the right indentation? I only see one line in the output

One can also use xmllint --format.

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Do you know why the output XML does not have the right indentation? I only see one line in the output

One can also use xmllint --format.

yeah, but it's better to transform it inside the python code itself, it's easier if you want a well formatted XML file and the other is not of any use.

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