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Created August 12, 2021 15:51
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import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import uproot
import awkward as ak
import yaml
import json
import os
import argparse
def _get_variable_names(expr, exclude=['abs']):
import ast
root = ast.parse(expr)
return sorted({ for node in ast.walk(root) if isinstance(node, ast.Name)} - set(exclude))
def _pdfunc(arr):
if len(arr) == 33:
# PDF4LHC15_nnlo_30_pdfas
delta = arr - arr[0]
pdfunc = np.sqrt(np.sum(delta[1:31] ** 2))
asunc = (arr[32] - arr[31]) / 2
return np.sqrt(pdfunc**2 + asunc**2)
elif len(arr) == 103:
# NNPDF31_nnlo_hessian_pdfas
delta = arr - arr[0]
pdfunc = np.sqrt(np.sum(delta[1:101] ** 2))
asunc = (arr[102] - arr[101]) / 2
return np.sqrt(pdfunc**2 + asunc**2)
elif len(arr) == 100:
# NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
lo, hi = np.percentile(arr, [16, 84])
return (hi - lo) / 2
elif len(arr) == 101:
# NNPDF30_lo_as_0118
lo, hi = np.percentile(arr[1:], [16, 84])
return (hi - lo) / 2
elif len(arr) == 102:
# NNPDF30_nlo_nf_5_pdfas
lo, hi = np.percentile(arr[:100], [16, 84])
pdfunc = (hi - lo) / 2
asunc = (arr[101] - arr[100]) / 2
return np.sqrt(pdfunc**2 + asunc**2)
raise NotImplementedError
def load_cfg(opts):
with open(os.path.join(opts['dc_dir'], 'nominal/config.json')) as f:
cfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
# cfg: {samp -> {'file':..., 'weight':..., 'selections': {'$CAT_NAME': ...}}}
with open(opts['samp_config']) as f:
samp_cfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
for samp in cfg:
sname = os.path.basename(cfg[samp]['file']).replace('_tree.root', '')
if len(samp_cfg[sname]) == 1:
cfg[samp]['parts'] = [cfg[samp]['file']]
cfg[samp]['parts'] = [os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(cfg[samp]['file']), 'parts',
(n[0] if isinstance(n, list) else n) + '_tree.root') for n in samp_cfg[sname]]
return cfg
def calc_unc(config, calc_pdf=True, calc_lep=True):
# cat_name -> yields
yields = {}
pdfunc = {}
lepunc = {}
branches = _get_variable_names(config['weight'])
for v in config['selections'].values():
branches = set(branches)
# print(branches)
for p in config['parts']:
# print(p)
t =['Events']
df = t.arrays(branches & set(t.keys()), library='pd')
if len(df) == 0:
# print('skipping empty file %s' % p)
wgt = df.eval(config['weight'], engine='python')
# ==================== nominal ====================
catsels = {}
for cat, cutstr in config['selections'].items():
sel = df.eval(cutstr, engine='python')
catsels[cat] = sel
y = (wgt * sel).sum()
if cat not in yields:
yields[cat] = float(y)
yields[cat] += float(y)
# ==================== pdfunc ====================
if calc_pdf:
a = t.arrays(['LHEPdfWeight'])
pdfwgt = a['LHEPdfWeight']
num_pdfwgts = ak.to_numpy(ak.num(pdfwgt))
if any(num_pdfwgts != num_pdfwgts[0]) or num_pdfwgts[0] == 0:
# workaround for samples with different number of pdf wgts
mode = scipy.stats.mode(num_pdfwgts)[0][0]
print(p, 'num=', np.unique(num_pdfwgts), 'mode=', mode)
if mode == 0:
mode = 33
pdfwgt = ak.fill_none(ak.pad_none(pdfwgt, mode, clip=True), 1)
pdfwgt = ak.to_numpy(pdfwgt)
for cat, cutstr in config['selections'].items():
sel = catsels[cat]
w = (wgt * sel).values
ypdf = (w[:, None] * pdfwgt).sum(axis=0)
if cat not in pdfunc:
pdfunc[cat] = _pdfunc(ypdf)
pdfunc[cat] += _pdfunc(ypdf)
# ==================== lepunc ====================
if calc_lep:
a = t.arrays(['muEffWeight_UP', 'muEffWeight_DOWN', 'elEffWeight_UP', 'elEffWeight_DOWN'], library='np')
for cat, cutstr in config['selections'].items():
sel = catsels[cat]
for utype in a.keys():
wgtstr = config['weight'].replace(utype.split('_')[0], '1.0')
y = (df.eval(wgtstr, engine='python') * a[utype] * sel).sum()
if utype not in lepunc:
lepunc[utype] = {}
if cat not in lepunc[utype]:
lepunc[utype][cat] = float(y)
lepunc[utype][cat] += float(y)
if calc_pdf:
for k, v in pdfunc.items():
pdfunc[k] = float(1 + v / yields[k] if yields[k] > 0 else 1.001)
if calc_lep:
for utype in lepunc:
for k, v in lepunc[utype].items():
lepunc[utype][k] = float(v / yields[k] if yields[k] > 0 else 1.0)
return {
'yields': yields,
'pdfunc': pdfunc,
'lepunc': lepunc,
def run(opts, validate=True):
print('=' * 50)
results = {}
cfg = load_cfg(opts)
results = {k: calc_unc(v, calc_lep=opts['channel'] != '0L') for k, v in cfg.items()}
results['_metadata'] = opts
outpath = os.path.join(opts['dc_dir'], 'syst.json')
with open(outpath, 'w') as fout:
json.dump(results, fout, indent=2)
print('Written output to %s' % outpath)
if validate:
with open(outpath) as f:
rlts = yaml.safe_load(f)
for samp in rlts:
if 'yields' not in rlts[samp]:
for cat, yields in rlts[samp]['yields'].items():
fn = os.path.join(opts['dc_dir'], 'nominal/vhcc_%s.root' % cat)
h =[samp]
tot = np.sum(h.to_numpy()[0])
if abs(tot - yields) > 1e-4:
print(cat, yields, tot, 'diff=', tot - yields)
return results
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Calculate systematic uncertainties.')
parser.add_argument('basedir', help='Base diretory.')
parser.add_argument('-y', '--year', default='2016,2017,2018', help='Years. Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--channel', default='0L,1L,2L', help='Channel. Default: %(default)s')
'--config-dir', default='/data/hqu/cmssw/nano-vh/CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3/src/PhysicsTools/NanoTrees/run/samples',
help='Directory containing sample configs used to produce the trees. Default: %(default)s')
args = parser.parse_args()
years = args.year.split(',')
channels =',')
chn_dict = {'0L': 'ZnnH', '1L': 'WH', '2L': 'ZllH'}
for year in years:
for chn in channels:
opts = {
'year': year,
'channel': chn,
'dc_dir': '{basedir}/VH/Cards/{year}/{chnname}'.format(basedir=args.basedir, year=year, chnname=chn_dict[chn]),
'samp_config': os.path.join(args.config_dir, year, '%s_mc.yaml' % chn)
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hqucms commented Aug 12, 2021

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