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Last active June 1, 2020 18:14
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Some useful docker commands for me

For first time to install and prepare laradock:

For first time use this guide:

List current running Containers:

docker ps

You can also use the following command if you want to see only this project containers:

docker-compose ps

Close all running Containers

docker-compose stop

To stop single container do:

docker-compose stop {container-name}

Delete all existing Containers

docker-compose down

Enter a Container

Run commands in a running Container.

  1. First list the current running containers with docker ps

  2. Enter any container using:

    docker-compose exec {container-name} bash

    Example: enter MySQL container

    docker-compose exec mysql bash

    Example: enter to MySQL prompt within MySQL container

    docker-compose exec mysql mysql -udefault -psecret
  3. To exit a container, type exit.

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