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Last active July 31, 2022 12:59
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Email Migration with Dovecot

Notes on migrating 20 years of personal email from dovecot on an iMac to Synology Mail Server on a DS920+.


setting FROM TO
version 2.2.18 (a83ad21)
install dir /usr/local/ /volume1/@appstore/MailServer aka /var/packages/MailServer/target
mail_location ~/Library/Mail/Maildir ~/.Maildir
  • Working on the assumption that Synology Mail Server is actually dovecot for all purposes I care about.
    • There's various scattered references suggesting they're closely related, and this old reference suggests that at least some point in time the mail serving part of it is.
    • I also have my fingers crossed tightly.
  • Compared Synology Mail Server to Synology MailPlus Server. Seems the latter is the same, except lots of extra user features. Since I just want it to serve mail, none of them appear to be relevant.
    • Mail is free. MailPlus is paid.
    • 6 years ago Synology said they intend to keep Mail going "for now".
    • Ah, MailPlus has a migration feature! Oh well, still not worth it for me.
  • Compared dovecot.conf FROM and TO.
    • No auto generated mailboxes, and special_use mailboxes are the same, so that's a big plus for a smooth migration.
    • Waaaaaaaay more default configuration in TO, but happy to inherit new defaults as long as they're compatible.
    • Other than namespace inbox, which is effectively the same, the FROM configuration is just:
     disable_plaintext_auth = no
     mail_location = maildir:/Users/liteyear/Library/Mail/Maildir
     passdb {
       driver = pam
     ssl = no
     userdb {
       driver = passwd
    • All those are either auth related and mail_location , both of which I'm happy to be different.
    • I don't appear to have any master users set up. Just the mail user.
  • Create IMAP migration configuration as `/volume1/@appstore/MailServer/etc/dovecot/conf.d/dovecot-migration.conf:
imapc_host =

# Authenticate as masteruser / masteruser-secret, but use a separate login user.
# If you don't have a master user, remove the imapc_master_user setting.
imapc_user = %u
#imapc_master_user = masteruser
imapc_password = masteruser-secret

imapc_features = rfc822.size
# If you have Dovecot v2.2.8+ you may get a significant performance improvement with fetch-headers:
imapc_features = $imapc_features fetch-headers
# Read multiple mails in parallel, improves performance
mail_prefetch_count = 20

# If the old IMAP server uses INBOX. namespace prefix, set:
#imapc_list_prefix = INBOX

# for SSL:
#imapc_port = 993
#imapc_ssl = imaps
#ssl_client_ca_dir = /etc/ssl
#imapc_ssl_verify = yes
# for <2.2.0: change ssl_client_ca_dir=/etc/ssl to imapc_ssl_ca_dir=/etc/ssl
  • Ended up very simple.
  • Note this adds the migration configuration, rather than replacing what's there. The reference says to put it straight in etc/dovecot, assumedly so it becomes the config, rather than adding to it, but I don't want to have to figure out what additional settings are required.
  • Then apparently to execute you just do:
    • doveadm -o mail_fsync=never backup -R -u user@domain imapc:
  • But I'm confused about whether this is on TO (surely, since no assumption is made that FROM is dovecot) and if so, who user@domain is.
  • I'm also confused about what "dsync" is after all, since it doesn't appear in the actual commands.
  • Eh, according to migrating_mailboxes it turns out with v2.1.14+ on the old server I can use the doveadm protocol instead of imap to do the transfer. But is that better?
  • Okay, so cancel that, I'm going with the migrating_mailboxes method. None of dovecot-migration.conf is necessary. Only need to enable a doveadm listener on FROM with:
service doveadm {
   inet_listener {
     port = 12354

doveadm_password = supersecret
  • And then also add a (same?) doveadm password to TO??
  • Note doveadm is in bin/ while dovecot is in sbin/.
  • Ah, I see!
    • -u specifies the mail username (%u) to use
    • doveadm_password on TO does indeed need to match FROM, so in mind that makes more sense as a -o option passed on the doveadm command line.
    • The doveadm protocol itself is a fine alternative to IMAP for migration, so will just forward that port instead.
    • The last parameter to doveadm specifies the protocol: tcp for doveadm and imapc for IMAP (client).
    • Easy! Once you know.


sudo vi /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # add "service doveadm" section
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.hrsoftworks.dovecot.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.hrsoftworks.dovecot.plist
tail /var/log/mail.log # confirm dovecot restarted
nc 12354 # confirm the service is listening
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/net.hrsoftworks.getmail.plist # stop incoming mail

# On TO
ssh -L 12354:localhost:12354 -N -f # to save having to forward ports on router, tunnel over SSH instead. I figure the overhead is mostly compute, not bandwidth, so will still be bandwidth constrained with minor impact.
sudo bin/doveadm -o doveadm_password=supersecret -D backup -Ru liteyear tcp:localhost:12354


  • Running flat chat at 600kB/s down (capped at uplink capacity of FROM).
  • Files and folders appearing in ~/.Maildir
  • Logs show that nothing existing was found and everything is being created using defaults.
  • No progress indicator, but can figure it out from size of maildir:
    • $ du -s Library/Mail/Maildir = 31178504 (512 byte blocks) = 15GB.
    • (31178504*512) / (600*1024) = 25982 seconds = 7.2 hours

Now we wait!


  • Unsatisfying. Appears to have finished but:
    • last message is a "client disconnect" error, and
    • byte size is 15100463038 instead of 15963394048.
  • Checking it's all there...
    • Running du -a | sed '/.*\.\/.*\/.*/!d' | cut -d/ -f2 | sort | uniq -c in FROM and TO.
    • Mostly the same. Lots with 1 file less, that seems to be a dovecot.index.log.2 file which is fine by me.
    • Some with 2 files less: dovecot-keywords and dovecot.index. I think this is okay.
    • Junk folder is way smaller. Weird, but okay.
    • .Newie Ventures.Meeting Room has 7 more files. Don't know why.
    • Otherwise all accounted for!
  • Changed IMAP settings email client and crossed fingers it would re-connect and then do basically nothing because the state is the same.
    • Seems to have connected fine, but stuck on "Downloading 1 new message".
    • Finally went away and seems happy and stable. Haven't tried changing anything to trigger a new read/write yet.

Have since added, deleted, moved and marked emails as read, and not issues found.

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