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Last active January 15, 2018 22:18
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Simple algorithm for finding Pareto set.

Պարետոյի բազմությունը մոտարկելու առաջին ալգորիթմ։

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import shapely.geometry as geom
from scipy.optimize import linprog

def read_problem():
    fin = open("input.txt", "r")
    # import sys
    # fin = sys.stdin

    print "Enter number of vertices: ",
    n = int(fin.readline())
    print "Enter the coordinates of vertices in clockwise or counter-clockwise order"

    polygon = []
    for i in range(n):
        x, y = map(float, fin.readline().strip().split(' '))
        polygon.append([x, y])
    polygon = np.array(polygon)

    # There are two objectives to maximize: f_1(x) and f2(x)
    print "Enter coefficients of f_1(x): ",
    mas = map(float, fin.readline().strip().split(' '))
    assert len(mas) == 2
    f1 = np.array(mas)

    print "Enter coefficients of f_2(x): ",
    mas = map(float, fin.readline().strip().split(' '))
    assert len(mas) == 2
    f2 = np.array(mas)

    print "Problem is successfully inputed !!!"
    return polygon, f1, f2

def get_constraints(polygon):
    """ Takes polygon and returns the hyperplanes: Ax <= b
    mx = np.mean(polygon[:, 0])
    my = np.mean(polygon[:, 1])
    n = len(polygon)
    A = []
    bs = []
    for i in range(n):
        j = (i + 1) % n
        ax, ay = polygon[i]
        bx, by = polygon[j]
        a = by - ay
        b = ax - bx
        c = -a * ax - b * ay
        # ax + by + c = 0
        val = np.sign(a * mx + b * my + c)
        c = -c
        assert val != 0
        if val == 1:
            a, b, c = -a, -b, -c
        A.append([a, b])

    return np.array(A), np.array(bs)

def is_inside(x, y, polygon):
    polygon = geom.polygon.Polygon(list(polygon))
    return polygon.contains(geom.Point(x, y))

def sample_point(polygon):
    lx = np.min(polygon[:, 0])
    rx = np.max(polygon[:, 0])
    ly = np.min(polygon[:, 1])
    ry = np.max(polygon[:, 1])

    while True:
        x = np.random.uniform(lx, rx)
        y = np.random.uniform(ly, ry)
        if is_inside(x, y, polygon):
            return (x, y)

def visualize(polygon, f1, f2, points, pareto, plot_bad, name):
    n = polygon.shape[0]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(18, 6))




    colors =, 1, len(points)))

    for i in range(n):
        j = (i + 1) % n
        xs = [polygon[i][0], polygon[j][0]]
        ys = [polygon[i][1], polygon[j][1]]
        ax[0].plot(xs, ys, 'b')
        ax[1].plot(xs, ys, '--b')

    for i, A in enumerate(points):
        x, y = A
        ax[0].scatter([x], [y], c=colors[i])
        ax[0].text(x, y, "  {}".format(i + 1))

        f1_val = x * f1[0] + y * f1[1]
        f2_val = x * f2[0] + y * f2[1]
        ax[2].scatter([f1_val], [f2_val], c=colors[i])
        ax[2].text(f1_val, f2_val, "  {}".format(i + 1))

        px, py = pareto[2*i]
        p_f1 = px * f1[0] + py * f1[1]
        p_f2 = px * f2[0] + py * f2[1]
        ax[2].plot([f1_val, p_f1], [f2_val, p_f2], '--', color=colors[i])

        px, py = pareto[2*i + 1]
        p_f1 = px * f1[0] + py * f1[1]
        p_f2 = px * f2[0] + py * f2[1]
        ax[2].plot([f1_val, p_f1], [f2_val, p_f2], '--', color=colors[i])

    border = []

    for i, A in enumerate(pareto):
        x, y = A
        f1_val = x * f1[0] + y * f1[1]
        f2_val = x * f2[0] + y * f2[1]

        bad = False
        eps = 1e-7
        for j, B in enumerate(pareto):
            if i == j:
            f1_val_b = B[0] * f1[0] + B[1] * f1[1]
            f2_val_b = B[0] * f2[0] + B[1] * f2[1]
            if f1_val_b > f1_val - eps and f2_val_b > f2_val - eps:
                bad = True

        if not bad:
            border.append((pareto[i], f1_val))

        if plot_bad or not bad:
            ax[0].scatter([x], [y], c=colors[i//2])
            ax[0].text(x, y, "  ${}_{}$".format(i // 2 + 1, i % 2 + 1))

        ax[2].scatter([f1_val], [f2_val], c=colors[i//2])
        ax[2].text(f1_val, f2_val, "  ${}_{}$".format(i // 2 + 1, i % 2 + 1))

    border = sorted(border, key=lambda item: item[1])
    for i in range(len(border)-1):
        x1, y1 = border[i][0]
        x2, y2 = border[i+1][0]
        ax[1].plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], 'r')

        p1_x = f1[0] * x1 + f1[1] * y1
        p1_y=  f2[0] * x1 + f2[1] * y1
        p2_x = f1[0] * x2 + f1[1] * y2
        p2_y = f2[0] * x2 + f2[1] * y2
        ax[2].plot([p1_x, p2_x], [p1_y, p2_y], 'r')

    fig.savefig(name + ".png")

def main():
    (polygon, f1, f2) = read_problem()
    A, b = get_constraints(polygon)

    points = []
    pareto = []
    visualize(polygon, f1, f2, points, pareto, plot_bad=True, name='iter0')

    n_iterations = 10
    for iteration in range(n_iterations):
        print "Starting iteration {} ... ".format(iteration + 1)
        x, y = sample_point(polygon)
        points.append([x, y])
        print "Selected point: {} {}".format(x, y)

        # Make two linear programming problems and solve
        f1_val = x * f1[0] + y * f1[1]
        f2_val = x * f2[0] + y * f2[1]

        # hold f1, maximize f2
        sol1 = linprog(c=-np.array(f2),
                       bounds=(None, None))
        pareto.append(getattr(sol1, "x"))

        # hold f2, maximize f1
        sol2 = linprog(c=-np.array(f1),
                       A_eq=np.array(f2).reshape((1, 2)),
                       bounds=(None, None))
        pareto.append(getattr(sol2, "x"))

        visualize(polygon, f1, f2, points, pareto, plot_bad=True, name="iter{}".format(iteration + 1))

    visualize(polygon, f1, f2, points, pareto, plot_bad=False, name="final")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Աշխատեցնենք հետևյալ օրինակի վրա՝

Enter number of vertices: 9  
Enter the coordinates of vertices in clockwise or counter-clockwise order  
-1 -4  
-2 -2  
-2 3  
-1 4  
0 5  
4 3  
6 0  
4 -2  
2 -3  
Enter coefficients of f_1(x): -1 1  
Enter coefficients of f_2(x): -2 -2  

Աշխատանքի ընթացքում ծրագիրը կտպի՝

Starting iteration 1 ...   
Selected point: -0.6729050969 3.11166326347  
Starting iteration 2 ...   
Selected point: 0.982273905471 -1.46971433859  
Starting iteration 3 ...   
Selected point: 0.546581372964 1.62623339798  
Starting iteration 4 ...   
Selected point: -0.0519679063657 0.807525924481  
Starting iteration 5 ...   
Selected point: 2.42075415604 0.0976427951623  
Starting iteration 6 ...   
Selected point: 2.08518380468 0.660652821881  
Starting iteration 7 ...   
Selected point: 0.962018890124 0.508583870988  
Starting iteration 8 ...   
Selected point: -1.12124948861 -1.51789923326  
Starting iteration 9 ... 
Selected point: 2.11942995637 -0.120783055278
Starting iteration 10 ... 
Selected point: 4.9275614714 -0.688260368964

Վերջնական պատասխանը կընդունի հետևյալ տեսքը՝ final_1.png


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