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Created November 25, 2016 02:37
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Flask generic error handling (files are in api folder)
from flask import Flask
import api.exceptions
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['TRAP_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS'] = True
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify
error_bp = Blueprint("exceptions", __name__)
http_msg = {
301: u'Moved Permanently',
302: u'Found',
303: u'See Other',
304: u'Not Modified',
400: u'Bad request',
401: u'Unauthorized',
403: u'Forbidden',
404: u'Resource not found',
405: u'Method not allowed',
408: u'Request Timeout',
409: u'Conflict',
410: u'Gone',
418: u'I am a teapot',
429: u'Too many requests',
500: u'Internal server error',
501: u'Not Implemented',
502: u'Bad Gateway',
503: u'Service unavailable',
504: u'Gateway Timeout'
def handle_error(error):
"""Generic exception handler for general exceptions"""
if not hasattr(error, 'code'):
error.code = 500
result = {
"message": http_msg[error.code]
return jsonify(result), error.code
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