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Created April 8, 2018 12:26
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# I ran readr::type_convert() once and it returns this column type spec. By using it
# for subsequent conversions, we'll gain reproducibility and data format change
# detection capabilities "for free"
permsissions = col_character(),
links = col_integer(),
owner = col_character(),
group = col_character(),
size = col_integer(),
month = col_character(),
day = col_integer(),
year_hr = col_character(),
path = col_character()
) -> tar_cols
# Now, we parse the tar verbose ('ls -l') listing
stri_read_lines("~/Data/pkutils.txt") %>% # stringi was loaded so might as well use it
stri_split_regex(" +", 9, simplify = TRUE) %>% # split input into 9 columns
as_data_frame() %>% # ^^ returns a matrix but data frames are more useful for our work
set_names(names(tar_cols$cols)) %>% # column names are useful and we can use our colspec for it
type_convert(col_types = tar_cols) %>% # see comment block before cols()
mutate(day = sprintf("%02d", day)) %>% # now we'll work on getting the date pieces to be a Date
mutate(year_hr = case_when( # the year_hr field can be either %Y or %H:%M depending on file 'recency'
stri_detect_fixed(year_hr, ":") &
(month %in% c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr")) ~ "2018", # if %H:%M but 'starter' months it's 2018
stri_detect_fixed(year_hr, ":") &
(month %in% c("Dec", "Nov", "Oct", "Sep", "Aug", "Jul", "Jun")) ~ "2017", # %H:%M & 'end' months
TRUE ~ year_hr # already in %Y format
)) %>%
mutate(date= lubridate::mdy(sprintf("%s %s, %s", month, day, year_hr))) %>% # get a Date
mutate(pkg = stri_match_first_regex(path, "^(.*)/R/")[,2]) %>% # extract package name (stri_extract is also usable here)
mutate(fil = basename(path)) %>% # extrafct just the file name
filter(! %>% # handle one type of wrongly included file
filter(!stri_detect_fixed(pkg, "/")) %>% # ande another
filter(! -> xdf # and another; but we're done so we close with an assignment
#' How many packages have some type of "util"?
nrow(distinct(xdf, pkg))
#' Crude annual temporal comparison of # pkgs using "util"
distinct(xdf, pkg, date) %>%
mutate(yr = as.integer(lubridate::year(date))) %>%
count(yr) %>%
complete(yr, fill=list(n=0)) %>%
ggplot(aes(yr, n)) +
geom_col(fill="lightslategray", width=0.65) +
x = NULL, y = "Package count",
title = "Recently published or updated packages tend to have more 'util'\nthan older/less actively-maintained ones",
subtitle = "Count of packages (by year) with 'util's"
) +
distinct(xdf, pkg, date) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
#' Most common "util" file names
count(xdf, fil, sort=TRUE) %>%
mutate(pct = scales::percent(n/sum(n))) %>%
#' File size ranges
ggplot(xdf, aes(x="", size)) +
fill="lightslategray", color="white",
alpha=1/2, stroke=0.25, size=3, shape=21
) +
geom_boxplot(fill="#00000000", outlier.colour = "#00000000") +
data=data_frame(), aes(x=-Inf, y=median(xdf$size), label="Median:\n2,717"),
hjust = 0, family = font_rc, size = 3, color = "lightslateblue"
) +
name = "File size", trans="log10", limits=c(NA, 200000),
breaks = c(10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000)
) +
x = NULL,
title = "Most 'util' files are between 1K and 10K in size",
caption = "Note y-axis log10 scale"
) +
extract_source <- function(pkg, fil, .pb = NULL) {
if (!is.null(.pb)) .pb$tick()$print()
path = "/cran/src/contrib", # my path to local CRAN
pattern = sprintf("^%s_.*gz", pkg), # rough pattern for the package archive filename
recursive = FALSE,
full.names = TRUE
) -> tgt
con <- archive_read(tgt[1], fil)
src <- readLines(con, warn = FALSE)
paste0(src, collapse="\n")
pb <- progress_estimated(nrow(xdf))
xdf <- mutate(xdf, file_src = map2_chr(pkg, path, extract_source, .pb=pb))
# we'll use these two functions to help test whether bits
# of our parsed code are, indeed, functions.
# Alternately: "I heard you liked functions so I made
# functions to help you find functions"
# we could have used `rlang` helpers here, but I had these
# handy from pre-`rlang` days.
is_assign <- function(x) {
as.character(x) %in% c('<-', '=', '<<-', 'assign')
is_func <- function(x) { &&
is_assign(x[[1]]) &&[[3]]) &&
(x[[3]][[1]] == quote(`function`))
read_rds("~/Data/utility-belt.rds") %>%
mutate(parsed = map(file_src, ~parse(text = .x, keep.source = TRUE))) %>%
mutate(func_names = map(parsed, ~{
keep(.x, is_func) %>%
map(~as.character(.x[[2]])) %>%
})) -> xdf
# Take a look at most common functions
select(xdf, pkg, fil, func_names) %>%
unnest() %>%
count(func_names, sort=TRUE) %>%
# examining case
select(xdf, pkg, fil, func_names) %>%
unnest() %>%
mutate(is_camel = (!stri_detect_fixed(func_names, "_")) &
(!stri_detect_regex(func_names, "[[:alpha:]]\\.[[:alpha:]]")) &
(stri_detect_regex(func_names, "[A-Z]"))) %>%
mutate(is_dotcase = stri_detect_regex(func_names, "[[:alpha:]]\\.[[:alpha:]]")) %>%
mutate(is_snake = stri_detect_fixed(func_names, "_") &
(!stri_detect_regex(func_names, "[[:alpha:]]\\.[[:alpha:]]"))) -> case_hunt
count(case_hunt, is_camel, is_dotcase, is_snake) %>%
mutate(pct = scales::percent(n/sum(n))) %>%
mutate(description = c(
"one-'word' names",
)) %>%
arrange(n) %>%
mutate(description = factor(description, description)) %>%
ggplot(aes(description, n)) +
geom_col(fill="lightslategray", width=0.65) +
geom_label(aes(y = n, label=pct), label.size=0, family=font_rc, nudge_y=150) +
scale_y_comma("Number of functions") +
title = " does not seem to be en-vogue for utility belt functions"
) +
# what is "is"?
select(xdf, pkg, fil, func_names) %>%
unnest() %>%
filter(stri_detect_regex(func_names, "^(\\.is|is)")) %>%
mutate(func_names = snakecase::to_snake_case(func_names)) %>%
count(func_names, sort=TRUE)
# extract comments
select(xdf, pkg, fil, file_src) %>%
mutate(comments = map(file_src, ~{
stri_split_lines(.x) %>%
.[[1]] %>%
stri_trim_left() %>%
keep(stri_detect_regex, "^#")
})) -> cmnt_df
# compute raw code statistics
xdf %>%
num_lines = stri_count_fixed(xdf$file_src, "\n"),
num_blank_lines = stri_count_regex(xdf$file_src, "^[[:space:]]*$", opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(multiline=TRUE)),
num_whole_line_comments = lengths(cmnt_df$comments),
comment_density = num_whole_line_comments / (num_lines - num_blank_lines - num_whole_line_comments),
blank_density = num_blank_lines / (num_lines - num_whole_line_comments)
) %>%
select(-permsissions, -links, -owner, -group, month, -day, -year_hr) -> xdf
# now compute mean ratios
group_by(xdf, pkg) %>%
`Comment-to-code Ratio` = mean(comment_density),
`Blank lines-to-code Ratio` = mean(blank_density)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(!is.infinite(`Comment-to-code Ratio`)) %>%
filter(!is.nan(`Comment-to-code Ratio`)) %>%
filter(!is.infinite(`Blank lines-to-code Ratio`)) %>%
filter(!is.nan(`Blank lines-to-code Ratio`)) %>%
gather(measure, value, -pkg) -> code_ratios
# we want to label the median values
group_by(code_ratios, measure) %>%
summarise(median = median(value)) -> code_ratio_meds
ggplot(code_ratios, aes(measure, value, group=measure)) +
fill="lightslategray", color="#2b2b2b", alpha=1/2,
stroke=0.25, size=3, shape=21
) +
geom_boxplot(fill="#00000000", outlier.colour = "#00000000") +
data = code_ratio_meds,
aes(-Inf, c(0.3, 5), label=sprintf("Median:\n%s", round(median, 2)), group=measure),
family = font_rc, size=3, color="lightslateblue", hjust = 0, label.size=0
) +
scale_y_continuous() +
x = NULL, y = NULL,
caption = "Note free y scale"
) +
facet_wrap(~measure, scales="free") +
theme_ipsum_rc(grid="Y", strip_text_face = "bold") +
group_by(xdf, pkg) %>%
summarise(mean_blank_density = mean(blank_density)) %>%
arrange(desc(mean_blank_density)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x="Mean Package Blanks-to-Code Ratio", mean_blank_density)) +
ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm(fill="lightslategray", color="#2b2b2b", alpha=1/2, stroke=0.25, size=3, shape=21) +
scale_x_discrete(name=NULL, position = "top") +
scale_y_percent(name=NULL) +
ggplot(data_frame(x=comment_density)) +
ggalt::geom_bkde(aes(x, y=calc(count)), bandwidth=0.05, fill="lightslategray", alpha=2/3) +
name="Comment-to-Code Ratio",
breaks=unique(c(seq(0, 1, 0.1)[-1], seq(0, 50, 10)[-1]))
) +
scale_y_comma("Source File Count") +
theme_ipsum_rc(grid="XY") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5))
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