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Last active December 27, 2017 13:52
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coord_proj - see the rpub : for examples and this blog post : for more 'splainin
#' @export
coord_proj <- function(proj="+proj=robin +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs",
inverse = FALSE, degrees = TRUE,
ellps.default="sphere", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
proj = proj,
inverse = inverse,
ellps.default = ellps.default,
degrees = degrees,
limits = list(x = xlim, y = ylim),
subclass = "proj"
#' @export
is.linear.proj <- function(coord) TRUE
coord_expand_defaults.proj <- function(coord, scale, n) {
discrete <- c(0, 0)
continuous <- c(0, 0)
expand_default(scale, discrete, continuous)
#' @export
coord_transform.proj <- function(coord, data, details) {
trans <- project4(coord, data$x, data$y)
out <- cunion(trans[c("x", "y")], data)
out$x <- rescale(out$x, 0:1, details$x.proj)
out$y <- rescale(out$y, 0:1, details$y.proj)
project4 <- function(coord, x, y) {
df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
# map extremes cause issues with projections both with proj4 &
# spTransform. this compensates for them.
df$x <- ifelse(df$x <= -180, -179.999999999, df$x)
df$x <- ifelse(df$x >= 180, 179.999999999, df$x)
df$y <- ifelse(df$y <= -90, -89.999999999, df$y)
df$y <- ifelse(df$y >= 90, 89.999999999, df$y)
res <- proj4::project(list(x=df$x, y=df$y),
proj = coord$proj,
inverse = coord$inverse,
degrees = coord$degrees,
ellps.default = coord$ellps.default)
res$range <- c(range(res$x, na.rm=TRUE), range(res$y, na.rm=TRUE))
res$error <- 0
#' @export
coord_distance.proj <- function(coord, x, y, details) {
max_dist <- dist_central_angle(details$x.range, details$y.range)
dist_central_angle(x, y) / max_dist
#' @export
coord_aspect.proj <- function(coord, ranges) {
diff(ranges$y.proj) / diff(ranges$x.proj)
#' @export
coord_train.proj <- function(coord, scales) {
# range in scale
ranges <- list()
for (n in c("x", "y")) {
scale <- scales[[n]]
limits <- coord$limits[[n]]
if (is.null(limits)) {
expand <- coord_expand_defaults(coord, scale, n)
range <- scale_dimension(scale, expand)
} else {
range <- range(scale_transform(scale, limits))
ranges[[n]] <- range
orientation <- coord$orientation %||% c(90, 0, mean(ranges$x))
# Increase chances of creating valid boundary region
grid <- expand.grid(
x = seq(ranges$x[1], ranges$x[2], length = 50),
y = seq(ranges$y[1], ranges$y[2], length = 50)
ret <- list(x = list(), y = list())
# range in map
proj <- project4(coord, grid$x, grid$y)$range
ret$x$proj <- proj[1:2]
ret$y$proj <- proj[3:4]
for (n in c("x", "y")) {
out <- scale_break_info(scales[[n]], ranges[[n]])
ret[[n]]$range <- out$range
ret[[n]]$major <- out$major_source
ret[[n]]$minor <- out$minor_source
ret[[n]]$labels <- out$labels
details <- list(
orientation = orientation,
x.range = ret$x$range, y.range = ret$y$range,
x.proj = ret$x$proj, y.proj = ret$y$proj,
x.major = ret$x$major, x.minor = ret$x$minor, x.labels = ret$x$labels,
y.major = ret$y$major, y.minor = ret$y$minor, y.labels = ret$y$labels
#' @export
coord_render_bg.proj <- function(coord, details, theme) {
xrange <- expand_range(details$x.range, 0.2)
yrange <- expand_range(details$y.range, 0.2)
# Limit ranges so that lines don't wrap around globe
xmid <- mean(xrange)
ymid <- mean(yrange)
xrange[xrange < xmid - 180] <- xmid - 180
xrange[xrange > xmid + 180] <- xmid + 180
yrange[yrange < ymid - 90] <- ymid - 90
yrange[yrange > ymid + 90] <- ymid + 90
xgrid <- with(details, expand.grid(
y = c(seq(yrange[1], yrange[2], len = 50), NA),
x = x.major
ygrid <- with(details, expand.grid(
x = c(seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], len = 50), NA),
y = y.major
xlines <- coord_transform(coord, xgrid, details)
ylines <- coord_transform(coord, ygrid, details)
if (nrow(xlines) > 0) {
grob.xlines <- element_render(
theme, "panel.grid.major.x",
xlines$x, xlines$y, default.units = "native"
} else {
grob.xlines <- zeroGrob()
if (nrow(ylines) > 0) {
grob.ylines <- element_render(
theme, "panel.grid.major.y",
ylines$x, ylines$y, default.units = "native"
} else {
grob.ylines <- zeroGrob()
ggname("grill", grobTree(
element_render(theme, "panel.background"),
grob.xlines, grob.ylines
#' @export
coord_render_axis_h.proj <- function(coord, details, theme) {
if (is.null(details$x.major)) return(zeroGrob())
x_intercept <- with(details, data.frame(
x = x.major,
y = y.range[1]
pos <- coord_transform(coord, x_intercept, details)
guide_axis(pos$x, details$x.labels, "bottom", theme)
#' @export
coord_render_axis_v.proj <- function(coord, details, theme) {
if (is.null(details$y.major)) return(zeroGrob())
x_intercept <- with(details, data.frame(
x = x.range[1],
y = y.major
pos <- coord_transform(coord, x_intercept, details)
guide_axis(pos$y, details$y.labels, "left", theme)
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