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Last active July 19, 2016 16:25
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# rig up some added dfs
mtcars2 <- mtcars
mtcars2$wt2 <- mtcars2$wt + 1
mtcars2$mpg2 <- mtcars2$mpg + 1
mtcars3 <- mtcars
mtcars3$wt3 <- mtcars3$wt + 2
mtcars3$mpg3 <- mtcars3$mpg + 2
gg <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg))
gg <- gg + geom_line()
gg <- gg + geom_point(data=mtcars2, aes(wt2+1, mpg2), size=4, color="white")
gg <- gg + geom_bar(data=mtcars3, aes(wt3, mpg3), stat="identity")
# need to either make a dict for all the geoms or do an inverse trans from CamelCase
# to snake_case like the print for ggplot2 objects does.
geoms <- c(`GeomPoint`="geom_point", `GeomLine`="geom_line", `GeomBar`="geom_bar")
# have to do this for the geoms, scales, etc but this is the general idea
# the case where there's data and aes in the main ggplot() call also has to be
# dealt with
walk(gg$layers, function(x) {
geom <- geoms[class(x$geom)[1]]
gdata <- ""
if (length(x$data) != 0) gdata <- "data=df, " # need to make these unique and make a list of df's eventually
gmap <- ""
if (length(x$mapping) != 0) {
gmap <- map_chr(names(x$mapping), function(y) {
sprintf("`%s`=%s", y, deparse(x$mapping[[y]]))
}) %>% paste0(collapse=", ")
gmap <- sprintf("aes(%s), ", gmap)
amap <- ""
if (length(x$aes_params) != 0) {
amap <- map_chr(names(x$aes_params), function(y) {
sprintf("%s=%s", y, deparse(x$aes_params[[y]]))
}) %>% paste0(collapse=", ")
narm <- sprintf("na.rm=%s, ", x$geom_params$na.rm)
cat(sub(", \\)$", ")", sprintf("%s(%s%s%s%s)", geom, gdata, gmap, narm, amap)), "\n")
geom_point(data=df, aes(`x`=wt2 + 1, `y`=mpg2), na.rm=FALSE, size=4, colour="white")
geom_bar(data=df, aes(`x`=wt3, `y`=mpg3), na.rm=FALSE)
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