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Last active March 10, 2016 12:47
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  • Save hrbrmstr/936fce53734251a9df52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hrbrmstr/936fce53734251a9df52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#' Replace a substring of a string
#' @param str string the source string that you want to replace characters in
#' (a character vector of length 1)
#' @param repl another string (this will be copied into \code{str})
#' @param pos position of the first character to be replaced
#' @param len number of characters to replace (if the string is shorter,
#' as many characters as possible are replaced).
#' @examples
#' src <- "The quick brown fox"
#' charsub(src, "slow", 5, 5)
#' ## [1] "The slow brown fox"
#' charsub(src, "", 1, 4)
#' ## [1] "quick brown fox"
#' charsub(src, "t", 1, 1)
#' ## [1] "the quick brown fox"
strsub <- cxxfunction(signature(str="character", repl="character",
pos="integer", len ="integer"), '
std::string x = as<std::string>(str);
std::string y = as<std::string>(repl);
x.replace(as<int>(pos)-1, as<int>(len), y);
', plugin = "Rcpp", includes=c("#include <iostream>",
"#include <string>"))
x2 <- c("apple", "banana", "orange", "pineapple", "kiwi")
#' Replace characters in a character vector
#' Given a vector of strings, this function will replace the
#' character at postion \code{pos} with it's counterpart in \code{repl}.
#' If the replacement position is greater than the legnth of the associated
#' \code{src} string, \code{src} will be padded right with spaces before
#' performing the "substitution".
#' @note \code{src}, \code{pos} and \code{repl} must be the same vector length
#' @param src character vector
#' @param pos integer vector specifying individual character position
#' in \code{src} to replace
#' @param repl character vector of single-character replacements to put at
#' \code{pos}
charsub <- function(src, pos, repl) {
vapply(src, function(SRC) {
s_len <- nchar(SRC)
for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
r_len <- nchar(repl[i])
if ((pos[i] + r_len) > s_len) {
SRC <- stri_pad_right(SRC, (pos[i] + r_len) - 1)
SRC <- strsub(SRC, repl[i], pos[i], r_len)
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
charsub(x2, c(1, 7), c("X", "Y"))
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