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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save hrbrmstr/b6435c8c490e26b10839 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hrbrmstr/b6435c8c490e26b10839 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
lat/lon coordinates to country name (or any adm level given proper shapefile)
# save this locally for realz
world <- readOGR("", "OGRGeoJSON")
# assumes 'places' is a data.frame with at least lat/lon columns
places %>%
select(lon, lat) %>%
coordinates %>%
SpatialPoints(CRS(proj4string(world))) %over% world %>%
select(iso_a2, name) %>%
cbind(places, .)
# grab gadm2 - (330M!)
# this takes _forever_
big_world <- readOGR("gadm2.shp", "gadm2")
# this part takes a while, too, so best save off temp results
big_res <- places %>%
select(lon, lat) %>%
coordinates %>%
SpatialPoints(CRS(proj4string(big_world))) %over% big_world
big_res %>%
select(iso_a2=ISO, name=NAME_0, name_1=NAME_1, name_2=NAME_2) %>%
cbind(places, .)
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