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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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package quicksort;
public class QuickSort
public static int partition( int array[], int left, int right )
// Create the pivot by picking the last spot in the array
int pivot_index;
int pivot;
pivot = array[ right ];
int i;
int hold;
i = left - 1;
for ( int j = left; j < right; j++ )
// If the element at array[ j ] is less than the pivot, change its position
if ( array[ j ] < pivot )
i = i + 1;
hold = array[ i ];
array[ i ] = array[ j ];
array[ j ] = hold;
hold = array[ i + 1 ];
array[ i + 1 ] = array[ right ];
array[ right ] = hold;
return ( i + 1 );
public static void Quick_Sort( int array[], int left, int right )
if ( left < right )
int q;
q = partition( array, left, right );
Quick_Sort( array, left, ( q - 1 ) );
Quick_Sort( array, ( q + 1 ), right );
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