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[info] Result "":
[info] N = 450
[info] mean = 1089.191 ±(99.9%) 2.524 ms/op
[info] Histogram, ms/op:
[info] [1000.000, 1012.500) = 0
[info] [1012.500, 1025.000) = 0
[info] [1025.000, 1037.500) = 0
[info] [1037.500, 1050.000) = 1
[info] [1050.000, 1062.500) = 15
[info] [1062.500, 1075.000) = 69
[info] [1075.000, 1087.500) = 143
[info] [1087.500, 1100.000) = 110
[info] [1100.000, 1112.500) = 79
[info] [1112.500, 1125.000) = 25
[info] [1125.000, 1137.500) = 7
[info] [1137.500, 1150.000) = 1
[info] [1150.000, 1162.500) = 0
[info] [1162.500, 1175.000) = 0
[info] [1175.000, 1187.500) = 0
[info] Percentiles, ms/op:
[info] p(0.0000) = 1040.187 ms/op
[info] p(50.0000) = 1086.325 ms/op
[info] p(90.0000) = 1111.491 ms/op
[info] p(95.0000) = 1117.782 ms/op
[info] p(99.0000) = 1127.198 ms/op
[info] p(99.9000) = 1147.142 ms/op
[info] p(99.9900) = 1147.142 ms/op
[info] p(99.9990) = 1147.142 ms/op
[info] p(99.9999) = 1147.142 ms/op
[info] p(100.0000) = 1147.142 ms/op
[info] # Run complete. Total time: 00:16:12
[info] REMEMBER: The numbers below are just data. To gain reusable insights, you need to follow up on
[info] why the numbers are the way they are. Use profilers (see -prof, -lprof), design factorial
[info] experiments, perform baseline and negative tests that provide experimental control, make sure
[info] the benchmarking environment is safe on JVM/OS/HW level, ask for reviews from the domain experts.
[info] Do not assume the numbers tell you what you want them to tell.
[info] Benchmark (corpusVersion) (extraArgs) (resident) (scalaVersion) (source) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 450 1089.191 ± 2.524 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.00 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1040.187 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.50 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1086.325 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.90 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1111.491 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.95 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1117.782 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.99 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1127.198 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.999 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1147.142 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.9999 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1147.142 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p1.00 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1147.142 ms/op
[info] Result "":
[info] N = 450
[info] mean = 1069.109 ±(99.9%) 3.106 ms/op
[info] Histogram, ms/op:
[info] [1000.000, 1012.500) = 0
[info] [1012.500, 1025.000) = 5
[info] [1025.000, 1037.500) = 26
[info] [1037.500, 1050.000) = 56
[info] [1050.000, 1062.500) = 66
[info] [1062.500, 1075.000) = 114
[info] [1075.000, 1087.500) = 102
[info] [1087.500, 1100.000) = 58
[info] [1100.000, 1112.500) = 19
[info] [1112.500, 1125.000) = 4
[info] [1125.000, 1137.500) = 0
[info] [1137.500, 1150.000) = 0
[info] [1150.000, 1162.500) = 0
[info] [1162.500, 1175.000) = 0
[info] [1175.000, 1187.500) = 0
[info] Percentiles, ms/op:
[info] p(0.0000) = 1020.264 ms/op
[info] p(50.0000) = 1070.596 ms/op
[info] p(90.0000) = 1094.713 ms/op
[info] p(95.0000) = 1101.005 ms/op
[info] p(99.0000) = 1111.449 ms/op
[info] p(99.9000) = 1124.073 ms/op
[info] p(99.9900) = 1124.073 ms/op
[info] p(99.9990) = 1124.073 ms/op
[info] p(99.9999) = 1124.073 ms/op
[info] p(100.0000) = 1124.073 ms/op
[info] # Run complete. Total time: 00:16:08
[info] REMEMBER: The numbers below are just data. To gain reusable insights, you need to follow up on
[info] why the numbers are the way they are. Use profilers (see -prof, -lprof), design factorial
[info] experiments, perform baseline and negative tests that provide experimental control, make sure
[info] the benchmarking environment is safe on JVM/OS/HW level, ask for reviews from the domain experts.
[info] Do not assume the numbers tell you what you want them to tell.
[info] Benchmark (corpusVersion) (extraArgs) (resident) (scalaVersion) (source) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 450 1069.109 ± 3.106 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.00 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1020.264 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.50 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1070.596 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.90 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1094.713 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.95 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1101.005 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.99 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1111.449 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.999 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1124.073 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.9999 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1124.073 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p1.00 latest -Yrangepos false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scalap sample 1124.073 ms/op
[info] Result "":
[info] N = 45
[info] mean = 23813.208 ±(99.9%) 169.444 ms/op
[info] Histogram, ms/op:
[info] [23000.000, 23125.000) = 0
[info] [23125.000, 23250.000) = 0
[info] [23250.000, 23375.000) = 8
[info] [23375.000, 23500.000) = 3
[info] [23500.000, 23625.000) = 2
[info] [23625.000, 23750.000) = 2
[info] [23750.000, 23875.000) = 6
[info] [23875.000, 24000.000) = 13
[info] [24000.000, 24125.000) = 3
[info] [24125.000, 24250.000) = 6
[info] [24250.000, 24375.000) = 1
[info] [24375.000, 24500.000) = 1
[info] [24500.000, 24625.000) = 0
[info] [24625.000, 24750.000) = 0
[info] [24750.000, 24875.000) = 0
[info] Percentiles, ms/op:
[info] p(0.0000) = 23253.221 ms/op
[info] p(50.0000) = 23890.756 ms/op
[info] p(90.0000) = 24226.300 ms/op
[info] p(95.0000) = 24273.276 ms/op
[info] p(99.0000) = 24494.735 ms/op
[info] p(99.9000) = 24494.735 ms/op
[info] p(99.9900) = 24494.735 ms/op
[info] p(99.9990) = 24494.735 ms/op
[info] p(99.9999) = 24494.735 ms/op
[info] p(100.0000) = 24494.735 ms/op
[info] # Run complete. Total time: 00:37:02
[info] REMEMBER: The numbers below are just data. To gain reusable insights, you need to follow up on
[info] why the numbers are the way they are. Use profilers (see -prof, -lprof), design factorial
[info] experiments, perform baseline and negative tests that provide experimental control, make sure
[info] the benchmarking environment is safe on JVM/OS/HW level, ask for reviews from the domain experts.
[info] Do not assume the numbers tell you what you want them to tell.
[info] Benchmark (corpusVersion) (extraArgs) (resident) (scalaVersion) (source) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 45 23813.208 ± 169.444 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.00 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 23253.221 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.50 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 23890.756 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.90 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 24226.300 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.95 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 24273.276 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.99 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 24494.735 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.999 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 24494.735 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.9999 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 24494.735 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p1.00 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-baseline-SNAPSHOT scala sample 24494.735 ms/op
[info] Result "":
[info] N = 45
[info] mean = 22590.335 ±(99.9%) 263.125 ms/op
[info] Histogram, ms/op:
[info] [22000.000, 22125.000) = 8
[info] [22125.000, 22250.000) = 10
[info] [22250.000, 22375.000) = 2
[info] [22375.000, 22500.000) = 6
[info] [22500.000, 22625.000) = 1
[info] [22625.000, 22750.000) = 2
[info] [22750.000, 22875.000) = 1
[info] [22875.000, 23000.000) = 0
[info] [23000.000, 23125.000) = 3
[info] [23125.000, 23250.000) = 7
[info] [23250.000, 23375.000) = 1
[info] [23375.000, 23500.000) = 4
[info] [23500.000, 23625.000) = 0
[info] [23625.000, 23750.000) = 0
[info] [23750.000, 23875.000) = 0
[info] Percentiles, ms/op:
[info] p(0.0000) = 22011.707 ms/op
[info] p(50.0000) = 22414.361 ms/op
[info] p(90.0000) = 23327.041 ms/op
[info] p(95.0000) = 23444.482 ms/op
[info] p(99.0000) = 23454.548 ms/op
[info] p(99.9000) = 23454.548 ms/op
[info] p(99.9900) = 23454.548 ms/op
[info] p(99.9990) = 23454.548 ms/op
[info] p(99.9999) = 23454.548 ms/op
[info] p(100.0000) = 23454.548 ms/op
[info] # Run complete. Total time: 00:35:17
[info] REMEMBER: The numbers below are just data. To gain reusable insights, you need to follow up on
[info] why the numbers are the way they are. Use profilers (see -prof, -lprof), design factorial
[info] experiments, perform baseline and negative tests that provide experimental control, make sure
[info] the benchmarking environment is safe on JVM/OS/HW level, ask for reviews from the domain experts.
[info] Do not assume the numbers tell you what you want them to tell.
[info] Benchmark (corpusVersion) (extraArgs) (resident) (scalaVersion) (source) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 45 22590.335 ± 263.125 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.00 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 22011.707 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.50 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 22414.361 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.90 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 23327.041 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.95 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 23444.482 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.99 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 23454.548 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.999 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 23454.548 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p0.9999 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 23454.548 ms/op
[info] HotScalacBenchmark.compile:compile·p1.00 latest -Yrangepos|-stop:typer false 2.12.7-bin-rev1-SNAPSHOT scala sample 23454.548 ms/op
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