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Created October 18, 2017 15:18
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Mac setup script..
## A Mac Setup Script by Nicholas Bonczyk
## v. 0.1
## Clear terminal screen
## Check to see if user is root
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then printf "This script must be run as root. Use sudo."
printf " \n"
## Present Welcome Banner
printf " # # # # \n"
printf " # # ## ## ## #### #### \n"
printf " # # # # # # # # # # \n"
printf " # # # # # # # #### #### \n"
printf " # # # # ###### # # \n"
printf " # # # # # # # # # # \n"
printf " ##### # # # # #### #### \n"
printf " \n"
printf " Welcome to the UMass Mac Setup Utility! \n"
printf " Written by Nicholas Bonczyk. \n"
printf " This is pre-release software, please double check all data input. \n"
printf " You must be connected to a UMMS network for the setup to work. \n"
printf " You must be turn on FileVault and enable McAfee Threat Protection manually. \n"
printf " After those two manual steps, restart the computer. \n"
printf " \n"
printf " \n"
printf " \n"
## Get user credentials and connect to install folder
printf "Enter your NT username and press [ENTER]: \n"
read un
printf "Creating mount point... \n"
mkdir -p ~/.mount
mount -t smbfs smb://$$/Install ~/.mount
## Clear terminal screen
## Get user input for computer name
printf "Enter the three letter building code and press [ENTER]: \n"
read building
printf "Enter the single floor number and press [ENTER]: \n"
read floor
printf "Enter the four character office number and press [ENTER]: \n"
read office
printf "Enter L for Laptop or D for Desktop and [ENTER]: \n"
read hardware
printf "Enter the last five of the asset tag, if not UMMS owned, use the last five of the serial, and press [ENTER]: \n"
read tag
## Combine variables
## Sets computer name
printf "The computer will be renamed to: \n"
printf $computername \n
printf " \n"
scutil --set ComputerName $computername
scutil --set HostName $computername
scutil --set LocalHostName $computername
defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ NetBIOSName -string $computername
## Package Process
printf "Copying and installing packages to local machine, this may take a while... \n"
printf "Copying Microsoft Office from Network... \n"
cp ~/.mount/Packages/Microsoft\ Office\ 2016\ Installer.pkg ~/Desktop/Microsoft\ Office\ 2016\ Installer.pkg
cp ~/.mount/Packages/Microsoft\ Office\ 2016\ Serializer.pkg ~/Desktop/Microsoft\ Office\ 2016\ Serializer.pkg
printf "Installing Microsoft Office... \n"
installer -pkg ~/Desktop/Microsoft\ Office\ 2016\ Installer.pkg -target /
installer -pkg ~/Desktop/Microsoft\ Office\ 2016\ Serializer.pkg -target /
rm ~/Desktop/Microsoft\ Office\ 2016\ Installer.pkg
rm ~/Desktop/Microsoft\ Office\ 2016\ Serializer.pkg
printf "Copying McAfee Antivirus from Network... \n"
cp ~/.mount/Packages/McAfee\ Agent\ Inataller\ Step\ 1.pkg ~/Desktop/McAfee\ Agent\ Inataller\ Step\ 1.pkg
cp ~/.mount/Packages/McAfee\ Endpoint\ Installer\ Step\ 2.pkg ~/Desktop/McAfee\ Endpoint\ Installer\ Step\ 2.pkg
printf "Installing McAfee Antivirus... \n"
installer -pkg ~/Desktop/McAfee\ Agent\ Inataller\ Step\ 1.pkg -target /
installer -pkg ~/Desktop/McAfee\ Endpoint\ Installer\ Step\ 2.pkg -target /
rm ~/Desktop/McAfee\ Agent\ Inataller\ Step\ 1.pkg
rm ~/Desktop/McAfee\ Endpoint\ Installer\ Step\ 2.pkg
printf "Copying Dock Utility from Network... \n"
cp ~/.mount/Packages/DockUtil.pkg ~/Desktop/DockUtil.pkg
printf "Installing Dock Utility... \n"
installer -pkg ~/Desktop/DockUtil.pkg -target /
rm ~/Desktop/DockUtil.pkg
printf "Copying The Unarchiver from Network... \n"
cp ~/.mount/Packages/ ~/Desktop/
printf "Installing The Unarchvier... \n"
unzip ~/Desktop/ -d ~/Desktop
mv ~/Desktop/The\ /Applications
rm ~/Desktop/
printf "Copying Casper Enroller from Network... \n"
cp ~/.mount/Packages/QuickAdd.pkg ~/Desktop/QuickAdd.pkg
printf "Delaying Casper enrollment until end... \n"
printf "Copying misc files from Network... \n"
cp ~/.mount/Misc/Mapping\ a\ Network\ Drive.pdf ~/Desktop/Mapping\ a\ Network\ Drive.pdf
cp ~/.mount/Misc/Wallpaper1.jpg ~/Pictures/Wallpaper1.jpg
cp ~/.mount/Misc/Wallpaper2.jpg ~/Pictures/Wallpaper2.jpg
cp ~/.mount/Misc/UserIcon.tif ~/Pictures/UserIcon.tif
printf "Copying Google Chrome from Internet... \n"
curl -L -O ""
printf "Installing Google Chrome... \n"
hdiutil mount -nobrowse googlechrome.dmg
cp -R "/Volumes/Google Chrome/Google" /Applications
hdiutil unmount "/Volumes/Google Chrome"
rm googlechrome.dmg
## Set wallpaper
printf "Setting wallpaper... \n"
sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/desktoppicture.db "update data set value = '~/Pictures/Wallpaper1.jpg'"
killall Dock
## Set user picture NOT WORKING
# dscl . delete /Users/$USER jpegphoto
# dscl . delete /Users/$USER Picture
# dscl . create /Users/$USER Picture "~/Pictures/UserLogo.tif"
# kextcache -system-caches
## System Tweaks
printf "Expanding save panel by default \n"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode2 -bool true
printf "Expanding print panel by default \n"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint2 -bool true
printf "Saving to disk by default \n"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false
printf "Setting printer app to auto quit the print jobs complete \n"
defaults write "Quit When Finished" -bool true
printf "Enabling right click on Magic Mouse \n"
defaults write MouseButtonMode TwoButton
printf "Showing file extensions by default \n"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true
printf "Restarting Finder..."
killall Finder
## Enabling Remote Access
printf "Turning on Remote Login... \n"
systemsetup -setremotelogin on
printf "Turning on Remote Management... \n"
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -access -off -restart -agent -privs -all -allowAccessFor -allUsers
## Installs software updates
softwareupdate --install --all
## Enrolls in Casper
printf "Final Steps... Enrolling in Casper... \n"
installer -pkg ~/Desktop/QuickAdd.pkg -target /
rm ~/Desktop/QuickAdd.pkg
## Update Dock Icons
dockutil --add "/Applications/Microsoft" --before 'iTunes' --no-restart
dockutil --add "/Applications/Microsoft" --before 'iTunes' --no-restart
dockutil --add "/Applications/Microsoft" --before 'iTunes' --no-restart
dockutil --add "/Applications/Microsoft" --before 'iTunes' --no-restart
dockutil --add "/Applications/Microsoft" --before 'iTunes' --no-restart
dockutil --add "/Applications/Self" --after 'System Preferences' --no-restart
dockutil --add "/Applications/Google" --after 'Safari'
## Exit
exit 0
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