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Last active May 11, 2017 03:02
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unpack Chinese translation
import argparse, re, csv
class TransEntry():
def __init__(self, begin, end, string):
self.begin = begin
self.end = end
self.string = string
def isReservedWord(inp, pos):
return inp[pos:pos+3] == "<%="
ranges = [
{"from": ord(u"\u3300"), "to": ord(u"\u33ff")}, # compatibility ideographs
{"from": ord(u"\ufe30"), "to": ord(u"\ufe4f")}, # compatibility ideographs
{"from": ord(u"\uf900"), "to": ord(u"\ufaff")}, # compatibility ideographs
{"from": ord(u"\U0002F800"), "to": ord(u"\U0002fa1f")}, # compatibility ideographs
{"from": ord(u"\u30a0"), "to": ord(u"\u30ff")}, # Japanese Kana
{"from": ord(u"\u2e80"), "to": ord(u"\u2eff")}, # cjk radicals supplement
{"from": ord(u"\u4e00"), "to": ord(u"\u9fff")},
{"from": ord(u"\u3400"), "to": ord(u"\u4dbf")},
{"from": ord(u"\U00020000"), "to": ord(u"\U0002a6df")},
{"from": ord(u"\U0002a700"), "to": ord(u"\U0002b73f")},
{"from": ord(u"\U0002b740"), "to": ord(u"\U0002b81f")},
{"from": ord(u"\U0002b820"), "to": ord(u"\U0002ceaf")}, # included as of Unicode 8.0
{"from": ord(u"\u3040"), "to": ord(u"\u309f")}, # 平假名
# 不包括标点符号
def isCJK(char):
return any([range["from"] <= ord(char) <= range["to"] for range in ranges])
# 包括标点符号
def isHanzi(ch):
return ord(ch) >= 0x80
def main():
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser('unpack')
args = argparser.parse_args()
with open(args.input, "r", encoding='utf-8') as fi:
inp =
curr = begin = end = 0
caught_hanzi = False
entries = []
string = ""
cjk = 0
while curr < len(inp):
ch = inp[curr]
if isCJK(ch):
cjk += 1
# print(ch, end='')
if isHanzi(ch):
string += ch
if caught_hanzi:
begin = curr
caught_hanzi = True
if caught_hanzi:
if isReservedWord(inp, curr):
_ = inp.find("%>", curr) + 2
string += inp[curr:_]
curr = _
caught_hanzi = False
end = curr
# print (begin, end, string)
entries.append(TransEntry(begin, end, string))
string = ""
curr += 1
curr = 0
for e in entries:
assert(curr < e.begin)
assert(e.begin < e.end)
assert(inp[e.begin:e.end] == e.string)
curr = e.end
# print (e.begin, e.end, e.string)
with open(args.output, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fo:
csv_writer = csv.writer(fo)
for e in entries:
csv_writer.writerow([e.begin, e.end, e.string])
print ("{}: {} entries exported. {} CJK charactors found.".format(args.output, len(entries), cjk))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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