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Hristos N. Triantafillou hristoast

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am hristoast on github.
  • I am hristos ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCm726VJoY1NgODWMU-UsnavgDRs_4J1UjO7Zq0ab1ONQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

DATE=$(date +%F)
WINE_SHORT_VERSION=$(echo ${WINE_VERSION} | sed 's/\.//g')
DESCRIPTION="Wine ${WINE_VERSION} built on ${DATE} on and for LMDE2.\n\nWindows API implementation - 32-bit binary loader and libraries\n\nWine is a free MS-Windows API implementation. This is still a work in progress and many applications may still not work.\n\nThis package provides the binary loader for 32-bit Windows applications as well as the library that implements the Windows API; it includes all of wine versus the traditional Debian way of splitting it into packages."
function install_dependencies
;;; init.el --- Self-installing, for Emacs 24.4+
;;; Commentary:
;; I've tweaked Emacs to behave like "regular" editors in many ways; Ctrl-z
;; for undo, Ctrl-/ to toggle comments on either a line or in a region.
;; It's a nice blend of familiar keybindings on top of Emacs. This file
;; should work on modern Linux and Mac OSX systems. I've cultivated this
;; file based on cool things I've seen others do -- huge thanks to all
;; you other Emacs users out there!