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Created January 27, 2011 11:17
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;Georgi Ivanov Hristozov 80430
(define g '(
(1 2 3)
(2 3 6)
(3 4 5)
(4 1 2 5)
(5 3)
(6 2)))
;Vrushta vsichki susedi na node
(define (getnbrs node g)
((found (assq node g)))
(if found
(cdr found)
;Vrushta vsichki putishta, zapochvashti ot node
(define (getAllFrom node g way)
(if (or (null? node) (memq node way))
((nbrs (getnbrs node g))
(nbrs-filtered (filter (lambda (node) (not (memq node way))) nbrs))
(nextways (apply append (map (lambda (newnode) (getAllFrom newnode g (cons node way))) nbrs-filtered)))
(if (null? nbrs-filtered)
(list (cons node way))
(define (paths-through node g)
((all-ways (map reverse (apply append (map (lambda (node) (getAllFrom node g ())) (map car g)))))
(all-ways-filtered (filter (lambda (way) (memq node way)) all-ways))
(paths-through 4 g)
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