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Last active October 10, 2022 14:42
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  • Save hrkrshnn/84d2a9686a88ea355749dec2a5987ee9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Run by `solc --strict-assembly --optimize --ir-optimized`. Context: Need to use Yul, since there is no `verbatim` in Solidity's inline assembly.
object "BribeContract" {
code {
let size := datasize("BribeRuntime")
codecopy(0, dataoffset("BribeRuntime"), size)
return(0, size)
object "BribeRuntime" {
code {
// Bribe by sending ETH. To try and claim, send a tx without ETH. Assumes that a tx with
// ETH attached is not necessary for claiming
if callvalue() {
// Address that will receive ETH!
let bribe_addr := 0x123
// Add the opcodes along with the inputs (you may add tests for the output as well). If
// any of the opcodes does not exist right now, the execution should revert in an invalid
// state.
let success := call(gas(), bribe_addr, selfbalance(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
if iszero(success) {
revert(0, 0)
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