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Created February 24, 2010 00:49
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; Problem 10
; The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17.
; Find the sum of all the primes below two million.
(defn prime? [x]
(cond (< x 2) false
(= x 2) true
(even? x) false
:else (let [boundary (inc (bigint (Math/sqrt x)))
candidates (range 3 boundary 2)]
(empty? (drop-while #(pos? (mod x %)) candidates)))))
; Slow version, test all odd numbers
(defn sum-of-primes-upto [limit]
(loop [x 3 sum 2]
(if (< x limit)
(if (prime? x)
(recur (+ x 2) (+ x sum))
(recur (+ x 2) sum))
; Fast version, use Sieve of Eratosthenes
(defn sum-of-primes-upto* [limit]
(let [sieve (doto (java.util.BitSet.) (.set 1))] ; mark 1 as non-prime, rest as candidates,
(loop [n 3 sum 2] ; skipping even numbers
(>= n limit)
(false? (.get sieve n)) ; n is a prime
(doseq [x (range (+ n n) limit n)]
(.set sieve x)) ; mark all multiples as non-prime
(recur (+ n 2) (+ sum n)))
(true? (.get sieve n)) ; previously marked non-prime
(recur (+ n 2) sum)))))
(def answer (future (sum-of-primes-upto 2000000)))
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